As S3 migration process,
I want to copy the previous Staging 1 schema to Staging 2 schema,
so that the staging schemas are prepared to do comparisons
Acceptance Criteria
Given the scheduled task to retrieve government files into the S3 bucket is in progress
When the scheduled migration to the S3 bucket completes
Then begin migrating data from the previous Staging 1 schema to Staging 2 schema
Notes: This migration must happen before the migration from S3 to Staging 1 schema happens
As S3 migration process, I want to copy the previous Staging 1 schema to Staging 2 schema, so that the staging schemas are prepared to do comparisons
Acceptance Criteria
Given the scheduled task to retrieve government files into the S3 bucket is in progress When the scheduled migration to the S3 bucket completes Then begin migrating data from the previous Staging 1 schema to Staging 2 schema
Notes: This migration must happen before the migration from S3 to Staging 1 schema happens