jonathanlermitage / oga-maven-plugin

:jigsaw: Old GroupIds Alerter - A Maven plugin that checks for deprecated groupId+artifactId (e.g. did you know that graphql-spring-boot-starter moved from com.graphql-java to com.graphql-java-kickstart?).
MIT License
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[feaure request] make the og-definitions.json configurable #2

Closed dilbertside closed 4 years ago

dilbertside commented 4 years ago


Thanks for your plugin contribution, it is useful. It would be even more useful if we could add an alternative og-definitions.json which would be either concatenated with the one provided with the plugin and/or one with either no public libraries or so old libraries that would make no sense to add in this very public definition file.

If this feature already exists, it would be nice to document it.

Here an example how maven-checkstyle-plugin add the configurable definitions for checkstyle configuration.

jonathanlermitage commented 4 years ago

@dilbertside Thx for this idea. Implemented. I will release 1.1.0 asap.

jonathanlermitage commented 4 years ago

Published. You should see the artifact on Maven Central Index within 24~48h.

jonathanlermitage commented 4 years ago

PS: I'll try to add an option to merge multiple definition files later.