jonathanslenders / asyncio-redis

Redis client for Python asyncio (PEP 3156)
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way to ensure the connection is complete #105

Open dzen opened 7 years ago

dzen commented 7 years ago


we've got an error when the conection / initialization is still ongoing:

we cannot be sure that this task is finished before starting to talk to redis (for instance, reading a pubsub), so our code ends at

Is there a way to not set an asyncio.sleep() and let us know if we're correctly connected to redis ?

Thank you.

tgy commented 7 years ago

What I have been using so far to make sure I connect to services like Redis is asyncio.wait_for.

Here is an example of how I make sure I'm connected:

async def connect():
  connection_made = False

  while not connection_made:
      connection = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio_redis.Pool.create(
          host='localhost', port=6379, poolsize=20, db=0), 3.0)
      connection_made = True
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
      print('having trouble connecting to redis')
      # let's try again

  print('connected to redis')
dzen commented 7 years ago

Well, Pool.create has the same pattern, that uses asyncio.async or such, which is the same pattern :(

Still, the future will be never consumed.