jonathonthill / MMAPPR2

Mutation Mapping Analysis Pipeline for Pooled RNA-Seq
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Implement VCF output file #64

Open kjohnsen opened 6 years ago

kjohnsen commented 6 years ago

As of yet, the old .writeCandidateVCFs function (see in history) didn't work because it only takes VCF objects (which can be created from VRanges objects), but we work with a GRanges object from the VEP step on. Thus, we can't write a VCF output file using that function.

Two ideas to make output VCFs possible:

  1. Parse row names from GRanges to get the ref column needed to convert GRanges to VRanges
  2. Output a VCF object from ensemblVEP. This would require refactoring the functions that follow (filtering, scoring, and ranking) to work with a VCF object rather than GRanges.