jonbhanson / flutter_native_splash

Automatically generates native code for adding splash screens in Android and iOS. Customize with specific platform, background color and splash image.
MIT License
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[web] 2.3.6 splash not being removed #622

Closed abdelaziz-mahdy closed 12 months ago

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

when creating native splash screen for web using version 2.3.6 it doesnt get removed when app loads

but on 2.3.5 it does get removed Configuration

  # This package generates native code to customize Flutter's default white native splash screen
  # with background color and splash image.
  # Customize the parameters below, and run the following command in the terminal:
  # dart run flutter_native_splash:create
  # To restore Flutter's default white splash screen, run the following command in the terminal:
  # dart run flutter_native_splash:remove

  # IMPORTANT NOTE: These parameter do not affect the configuration of Android 12 and later, which
  # handle splash screens differently that prior versions of Android.  Android 12 and later must be
  # configured specifically in the android_12 section below.

  # color or background_image is the only required parameter.  Use color to set the background
  # of your splash screen to a solid color.  Use background_image to set the background of your
  # splash screen to a png image.  This is useful for gradients. The image will be stretch to the
  # size of the app. Only one parameter can be used, color and background_image cannot both be set.
  color: "#c4e3fc"
  # background_image: "assets/background.png"

  # Optional parameters are listed below.  To enable a parameter, uncomment the line by removing
  # the leading # character.

  # The image parameter allows you to specify an image used in the splash screen.  It must be a
  # png file and should be sized for 4x pixel density.
  image: assets/splash.png

  # The branding property allows you to specify an image used as branding in the splash screen.
  # It must be a png file. It is supported for Android, iOS and the Web.  For Android 12,
  # see the Android 12 section below.
  #branding: assets/dart.png

  # To position the branding image at the bottom of the screen you can use bottom, bottomRight,
  # and bottomLeft. The default values is bottom if not specified or specified something else.
  #branding_mode: bottom

  # The color_dark, background_image_dark, image_dark, branding_dark are parameters that set the background
  # and image when the device is in dark mode. If they are not specified, the app will use the
  # parameters from above. If the image_dark parameter is specified, color_dark or
  # background_image_dark must be specified.  color_dark and background_image_dark cannot both be
  # set.
  # color_dark: "#042a49"
  #background_image_dark: "assets/dark-background.png"
  #image_dark: assets/splash-invert.png
  #branding_dark: assets/dart_dark.png

  # Android 12 handles the splash screen differently than previous versions.  Please visit
  # Following are Android 12 specific parameter.
    # The image parameter sets the splash screen icon image.  If this parameter is not specified,
    # the app's launcher icon will be used instead.
    # Please note that the splash screen will be clipped to a circle on the center of the screen.
    # App icon with an icon background: This should be 960×960 pixels, and fit within a circle
    # 640 pixels in diameter.
    # App icon without an icon background: This should be 1152×1152 pixels, and fit within a circle
    # 768 pixels in diameter.
    #image: assets/android12splash.png

    # Splash screen background color.
    #color: "#42a5f5"

    # App icon background color.
    #icon_background_color: "#111111"

    # The branding property allows you to specify an image used as branding in the splash screen.
    #branding: assets/dart.png

    # The image_dark, color_dark, icon_background_color_dark, and branding_dark set values that
    # apply when the device is in dark mode. If they are not specified, the app will use the
    # parameters from above.
    #image_dark: assets/android12splash-invert.png
    #color_dark: "#042a49"
    #icon_background_color_dark: "#eeeeee"

  # The android, ios and web parameters can be used to disable generating a splash screen on a given
  # platform.
  #android: false
  #ios: false
  #web: false

  # Platform specific images can be specified with the following parameters, which will override
  # the respective parameter.  You may specify all, selected, or none of these parameters:
  #color_android: "#42a5f5"
  #color_dark_android: "#042a49"
  #color_ios: "#42a5f5"
  #color_dark_ios: "#042a49"
  #color_web: "#42a5f5"
  #color_dark_web: "#042a49"
  #image_android: assets/splash-android.png
  #image_dark_android: assets/splash-invert-android.png
  #image_ios: assets/splash-ios.png
  #image_dark_ios: assets/splash-invert-ios.png
  #image_web: assets/splash-web.gif
  #image_dark_web: assets/splash-invert-web.gif
  #background_image_android: "assets/background-android.png"
  #background_image_dark_android: "assets/dark-background-android.png"
  #background_image_ios: "assets/background-ios.png"
  #background_image_dark_ios: "assets/dark-background-ios.png"
  #background_image_web: "assets/background-web.png"
  #background_image_dark_web: "assets/dark-background-web.png"
  #branding_android: assets/brand-android.png
  #branding_dark_android: assets/dart_dark-android.png
  #branding_ios: assets/brand-ios.png
  #branding_dark_ios: assets/dart_dark-ios.png
  #branding_web: assets/brand-web.gif
  #branding_dark_web: assets/dart_dark-web.gif

  # The position of the splash image can be set with android_gravity, ios_content_mode, and
  # web_image_mode parameters.  All default to center.
  # android_gravity can be one of the following Android Gravity (see
  # bottom, center,
  # center_horizontal, center_vertical, clip_horizontal, clip_vertical, end, fill, fill_horizontal,
  # fill_vertical, left, right, start, or top.
  #android_gravity: center
  # ios_content_mode can be one of the following iOS UIView.ContentMode (see
  # scaleToFill,
  # scaleAspectFit, scaleAspectFill, center, top, bottom, left, right, topLeft, topRight,
  # bottomLeft, or bottomRight.
  #ios_content_mode: center
  # web_image_mode can be one of the following modes: center, contain, stretch, and cover.
  #web_image_mode: center

  # The screen orientation can be set in Android with the android_screen_orientation parameter.
  # Valid parameters can be found here:
  #android_screen_orientation: sensorLandscape

  # To hide the notification bar, use the fullscreen parameter.  Has no effect in web since web
  # has no notification bar.  Defaults to false.
  # NOTE: Unlike Android, iOS will not automatically show the notification bar when the app loads.
  #       To show the notification bar, add the following code to your Flutter app:
  #       WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
  #       SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode(SystemUiMode.manual, overlays: [SystemUiOverlay.bottom,], );
  #fullscreen: true

  # On web, the splash screen fades out in 250ms.  This fade delay can be adjusted by changing
  # the web_splash_fade_time_ms parameter.
  #web_splash_fade_time_ms: 250

  # If you have changed the name(s) of your info.plist file(s), you can specify the filename(s)
  # with the info_plist_files parameter.  Remove only the # characters in the three lines below,
  # do not remove any spaces:
  #  - 'ios/Runner/Info-Debug.plist'
  #  - 'ios/Runner/Info-Release.plist'

Device (please complete the following information):

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior, using the example app:

  1. add config
  2. dart run flutter_native_splash:create using version 2.3.6 and 2.3.5

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. If in doubt, attach a screenshot.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 1 year ago

i had to add in main function to make it work but in 2.3.5 i didnt have to do it


and on app hot restart i get this

Error: PlatformException(error, Exception: Did you forget to run "dart run flutter_native_splash:create"? 
 Could not run the JS command removeSplashFromWeb(), null, null)
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart 294:3  throw_
packages/flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart 651:7                      decodeEnvelope
packages/flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart 322:18                   _invokeMethod
dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/async_patch.dart 45:50           <fn>
dart-sdk/lib/async/zone.dart 1661:54                                         runUnary
dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 162:18                                   handleValue
dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 846:44                                   handleValueCallback

but this hides my loading indicator mentioned here

a workaround i did was set, dont know if that the correct way

.container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100%;
    margin-top: 100px;  /* Added a margin to shift it down a bit */
    z-index: 999999; /* Higher than the splash screen */
    position: relative; /* Required for z-index to take effect */
eggp commented 1 year ago



I am already working on fixing this...

eggp commented 1 year ago

I have the solution, I will create a pull request for it tonight.

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 1 year ago

I have the solution, I will create a pull request for it tonight.

if in need of any help let me know, since i was going to provide a fix for the hot restart problem, after i finish work too

my idea is to update

  <script id="splash-screen-script">
    function removeSplashFromWeb() {
      const splashElement = document.getElementById("splash");
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 750 /* animation time + wait rendering and others(500ms) */);

to not remove the function removeSplashFromWeb and just update it to check if elements exists it should delete it if not it should do nothing

by chatgpt (not tested yet)

<script id="splash-screen-script">
  function removeSplashFromWeb() {
    const splashElement = document.getElementById("splash");
    if (splashElement) {
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 750 /* animation time + wait rendering and others(500ms) */);
jonbhanson commented 1 year ago

I have the solution, I will create a pull request for it tonight.

Great, I look forward to it, thanks!

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 1 year ago


btw i just tested

<script id="splash-screen-script">
  function removeSplashFromWeb() {
    const splashElement = document.getElementById("splash");
    if (splashElement) {
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 750 /* animation time + wait rendering and others(500ms) */);

and having main function as

void main() {
  //run app

fixed the hot reload

incase if @jonbhanson dont want to introduce the new function initWeb (to have the same functions on all platforms)

jonbhanson commented 12 months ago

I think the best way to resolve this is to roll back the change, and then release it as a breaking change in a major version. I will push out an update shortly. Thanks for your help on this @zezo357 and @eggp.

eggp commented 12 months ago

Hello @jonbhanson!

In this case, it would be good to find a solution for the splash to be removed automatically. Unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge in Flutter yet, and so far, I haven't found a solution to detect the first render.