jonbrett / cinnamon-feeds-applet

Cinnamon applet for fetching and displaying RSS feeds
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Add support for local file feeds #33

Open jonbrett opened 10 years ago

jonbrett commented 10 years ago

Add support for feeds loaded from a local file on the computer (i.e. not http/https). Such URLs would probably need to be prefixed by file:// and the feedreader backend updated to read a file instead of starting a SOAP HTTP request.

Originally posted by a user on my blog here:

johni00 commented 10 years ago

can you add sound alert options, when new feeds came ?

jonbrett commented 10 years ago

@johni00 adding of sounds is already logged as issue #39.

I don't have time to implement this right now, but others have already kindly contributed features around that area so maybe it may get done sooner!