joncage / ed-scout

An Elite Dangerous companion app to simplify finding unexplored worlds
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Does not change system when jumping with a fleet carrier #154

Open Codingale opened 3 years ago

Codingale commented 3 years ago

I'm currently hitchhiking a ride from a fleet carrier, and wanted to get some scans in between jumps but it doesn't appear to detect when the system changes and clear the old bodies from the list when we enter a new system.

joncage commented 3 years ago

You're not the first to report that but I can't find the bug report. Do you have a journal file (log file from the game) from the carrier jumping could take a look at? I don't have a carrier myself but perhaps there's some information we could pick up on. Does your nav route or destination system change when the carrier jumps?

Codingale commented 3 years ago

If you can tell me where the log is I can upload it here for you :) The jumps are still happening as we speak. EDDiscovery shows a "Jumped with carrier" and a "At and an autoscan of the nearest star.

Similar to this?

{"timestamp":"2021-01-05T10:05:22Z","event":"CarrierJump","Docked":true,"StationName":"H0L-L6J","StationType":"FleetCarrier","MarketID":3704879616,"StationFaction":{"Name":"FleetCarrier"},"StationGovernment":"$government_Carrier;","StationGovernment_Localised":"Private Ownership ","StationServices":["dock","autodock","commodities","contacts","crewlounge","rearm","refuel","repair","shipyard","engineer","flightcontroller","stationoperations","stationMenu","carriermanagement","carrierfuel"],"StationEconomy":"$economy_Carrier;","StationEconomy_Localised":"Private Enterprise","StationEconomies":[{"Name":"$economy_Carrier;","Name_Localised":"Private Enterprise","Proportion":1.0}],"StarSystem":"Eoch Flyuae ID-Y c15-171","SystemAddress":47073813962890,"StarPos":[-8447.5,-827.15625,17556.53125],"SystemAllegiance":"","SystemEconomy":"$economy_None;","SystemEconomy_Localised":"None","SystemSecondEconomy":"$economy_None;","SystemSecondEconomy_Localised":"None","SystemGovernment":"$government_None;","SystemGovernment_Localised":"None","SystemSecurity":"$GAlAXY_MAP_INFO_state_anarchy;","SystemSecurity_Localised":"Anarchy","Population":0,"Body":"Eoch Flyuae ID-Y c15-171 A","BodyID":1,"BodyType":"Star","EDDMapColor":-65536}
joncage commented 3 years ago

Try: C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous

...and yes, similar to that.

Looks like the carrier jump should at least mean we could reset the list and show the new local system.

Codingale commented 3 years ago

So here's the latest, I believe the main chunk is at the end as today I started out exploring around the fleet carrier as it was stopped for the night. Journal.210106014334.01.log

joncage commented 3 years ago

Perfect. Thanks - will take a look at that for the next release o7