joncage / ed-scout

An Elite Dangerous companion app to simplify finding unexplored worlds
MIT License
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1.8.1 system and planetary data is not displayed #171

Closed packet1 closed 3 years ago

packet1 commented 3 years ago

This update returned systems populating when I plot a route but I do not see any data in the Current Location field. The data also does not refresh as I jump around, i.e. the list doesn't change after I plot my route and jump system to system


image EDScout-2021-02-28-14-41-46.log EDScout-2021-02-28-14-41-07.log EDScout-2021-02-28-16-01-19.log EDScout-2021-02-28-15-57-05.log

packet1 commented 3 years ago

I'm finding more issues with the display not updating when I plot a route. It's 'stuck' here.

image EDScout-2021-02-28-16-01-19.log

packet1 commented 3 years ago


joncage commented 3 years ago

Looks like I've missed some more. Will take a look later if I get a chance.

That system definitely looks mapped so not sure why EDScout thinks otherwise..

packet1 commented 3 years ago

I don't see any bodies in the list as well.

joncage commented 3 years ago

Yep, definitely needs a look. Time for some more unit tests methinks.

That's the problem with trying to squeeze in some Dev time in the wee hours of the night when you have an 11 month old that thinks sleep is overrated; it's too tempting to do a quick test tomprove you've fixed things without out doing a fuller system test 🙄😉

joncage commented 3 years ago

I don't see any bodies in the list as well.

I think that's because (at least for the example I mentioned above) the system as a whole was only worth 8k credits so nothing valuable to list.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

I jumped through a dozen system or so and it didn't show any bodies in the list.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

EDD discovery data attached for the last 12 hours to compare against the logs... edd.xlsx

packet1 commented 3 years ago


miksmax commented 3 years ago

I'm also having the same problems with 1.8 and 1.8.1. Tried uninstalling, deleting every trace and reinstalling but I can only get current system info with 1.7.1. If it helps, I'm out in the black so basically everything is unexplored here.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

@miksmax the 1.8 and 1.8.1 are horribly broken. I'm going to have roll back myself. I've become too dependent ;)

joncage commented 3 years ago

I've been digging into this tonight and I think I see where the problem arose. Just need to work out how to fix it now without breaking anything else ;)

packet1 commented 3 years ago

Happy to test anything if you need help. LMK

joncage commented 3 years ago

False alarm. When I ran up the scout, it seemed to work as expected. Tried jumping a few times and all worked as expected. Not sure iif it's significant but im in the bubble currently

I'll keep digging.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

Ping me unicast if you want a remote session. Zoom or otherwise I can arrange for :)

rabbibob commented 3 years ago

New to the troubleshooting and I'm headed out to The Void. This morning I ran the diagnostic version for a bit with no issues in a region past Colonia headed towards the Void. I then played with some different combinations (probably not recommended, but I wanted to see if two different .exe's would show the same data or not).

Unfortunately didn't think to note which systems I was running which setup with until further on.

Happy to help troubleshoot while I'm away from the beaten path (i.e. Bubble). Is there any log output from EDScout to be submitted as well? Additionally (anyone), let me know the best way to submit helpful info from either Elite:D or EDScout (I see Packet has submitted some screenshots that I'm unsure how to create (again, new)).

Best, Bob


packet1 commented 3 years ago

I'm using it in undiscovered territory. The bubble has everything already discovered.

rabbibob commented 3 years ago

I'm using it in undiscovered territory. The bubble has everything already discovered.

Correct. I'm 25,000LY away from Sol, 4000 LY past Colonia and will be 48,600LY shortly at The Void. I'll have ample time in undiscovered territory.

Your screenshots above: what tabs are you using after you Inspect and open up DevTools (I'm assuming this is where you are seeing the data flow)?

packet1 commented 3 years ago

It acts like it's not even looking up bodies when I scan them with FSS. Nothing in the log:

2021-03-07T00:40:05.033Z - EDScoutWebUI-EDScout - INFO - Successfully remapped styles to match Elite HUD
2021-03-07T00:40:06.605Z - VersionChecker-VersionChecker - INFO - Version check: Up to date
2021-03-07T00:40:06.605Z - EDScoutWebUI-EDScout - INFO - Background thread launched and awaiting data..
2021-03-07T00:40:06.616Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:39:22Z", "event": "Location", "Docked": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-2", "SystemAddress": 5062557317737, "StarPos": [-466.3125, -373.40625, 13275.4375], "SystemAllegiance": "", "SystemEconomy": "$economy_None;", "SystemEconomy_Localised": "None", "SystemSecondEconomy": "$economy_None;", "SystemSecondEconomy_Localised": "None", "SystemGovernment": "$government_None;", "SystemGovernment_Localised": "None", "SystemSecurity": "$GAlAXY_MAP_INFO_state_anarchy;", "SystemSecurity_Localised": "Anarchy", "Population": 0, "Body": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-2", "BodyID": 0, "BodyType": "Star", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:40:08.034Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-Location", "id": 63105056, "id64": 5062557317737, "name": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-2", "url": "", "estimatedValue": 1204, "estimatedValueMapped": 1204, "valuableBodies": [], "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": true, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-2", "SystemAddress": 5062557317737, "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:40:10.651Z - VersionChecker-VersionChecker - INFO - Version check: Up to date
2021-03-07T00:40:14.274Z - VersionChecker-VersionChecker - INFO - Version check: Up to date
2021-03-07T00:40:15.887Z - VersionChecker-VersionChecker - INFO - Version check: Up to date
2021-03-07T00:40:36.372Z - VersionChecker-VersionChecker - INFO - Version check: Up to date
2021-03-07T00:40:38.878Z - VersionChecker-VersionChecker - INFO - Version check: Up to date
2021-03-07T00:41:12.062Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "StanDemos", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:12.062Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "shadowwar", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:12.062Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "Kvadyn", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:12.063Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "Dark Mortuus", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:12.063Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "Seawolf3", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:12.063Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "Maximillian Arturo", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:12.064Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "LDCRLUIS", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:12.064Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:11Z", "event": "Friends", "Status": "Online", "Name": "Azreih", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:23.642Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:23Z", "event": "NavRoute", "Route": [{"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-2", "SystemAddress": 5062557317737, "StarPos": [-466.3125, -373.40625, 13275.4375], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-6", "SystemAddress": 13858650339945, "StarPos": [-467.59375, -375.4375, 13279.53125], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-9", "SystemAddress": 20455720106601, "StarPos": [-468.5625, -377.21875, 13281.96875], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue AV-W d2-8", "SystemAddress": 285254536859, "StarPos": [-469.4375, -379.0625, 13287.1875], "StarClass": "F"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-13", "SystemAddress": 29251813128809, "StarPos": [-470.8125, -378.28125, 13294.5625], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue HC-K b13-4", "SystemAddress": 9460603828849, "StarPos": [-470.46875, -382.9375, 13298.5], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue HC-K b13-5", "SystemAddress": 11659627084401, "StarPos": [-466.5625, -384.46875, 13302.125], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue JX-J b13-8", "SystemAddress": 18256696785521, "StarPos": [-466.34375, -388.5625, 13308.78125], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue KX-J b13-5", "SystemAddress": 11659895454321, "StarPos": [-461.59375, -393.15625, 13314.46875], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DH-Q a28-0", "SystemAddress": 5318775174384, "StarPos": [-454.875, -396.0, 13317.4375], "StarClass": "Y"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue OD-I b14-6", "SystemAddress": 13858918709881, "StarPos": [-449.09375, -402.65625, 13320.21875], "StarClass": "M"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue GW-R c6-46", "SystemAddress": 12727497727290, "StarPos": [-447.78125, -400.1875, 13327.375], "StarClass": "K"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue GW-R c6-2", "SystemAddress": 632869821754, "StarPos": [-440.96875, -401.6875, 13331.84375], "StarClass": "K"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue FB-V d3-310", "SystemAddress": 10661912301219, "StarPos": [-435.53125, -399.21875, 13335.1875], "StarClass": "F"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue GW-R c6-25", "SystemAddress": 6955061681466, "StarPos": [-428.5625, -402.59375, 13333.4375], "StarClass": "K"}, {"StarSystem": "Graea Hypue BV-W d2-118", "SystemAddress": 4064842534555, "StarPos": [-424.875, -409.71875, 13332.03125], "StarClass": "F"}], "type": "NewRoute"}
2021-03-07T00:41:23.642Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 5062557317737 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:23.646Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "id": 63105056, "id64": 5062557317737, "name": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-2", "url": "", "estimatedValue": 1204, "estimatedValueMapped": 1204, "valuableBodies": [], "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": true, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-2", "SystemAddress": 5062557317737, "StarPos": [-466.3125, -373.40625, 13275.4375], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:23.646Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 13858650339945 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:24.351Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-6", "SystemAddress": 13858650339945, "StarPos": [-467.59375, -375.4375, 13279.53125], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:24.351Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 20455720106601 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:25.068Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-9", "SystemAddress": 20455720106601, "StarPos": [-468.5625, -377.21875, 13281.96875], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:25.068Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 285254536859 => F
2021-03-07T00:41:25.755Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue AV-W d2-8", "SystemAddress": 285254536859, "StarPos": [-469.4375, -379.0625, 13287.1875], "StarClass": "F"}
2021-03-07T00:41:25.756Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 29251813128809 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:26.493Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-13", "SystemAddress": 29251813128809, "StarPos": [-470.8125, -378.28125, 13294.5625], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:26.493Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 9460603828849 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:27.201Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue HC-K b13-4", "SystemAddress": 9460603828849, "StarPos": [-470.46875, -382.9375, 13298.5], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:27.201Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 11659627084401 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:27.908Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue HC-K b13-5", "SystemAddress": 11659627084401, "StarPos": [-466.5625, -384.46875, 13302.125], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:27.908Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 18256696785521 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:28.596Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue JX-J b13-8", "SystemAddress": 18256696785521, "StarPos": [-466.34375, -388.5625, 13308.78125], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:28.597Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 11659895454321 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:29.291Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue KX-J b13-5", "SystemAddress": 11659895454321, "StarPos": [-461.59375, -393.15625, 13314.46875], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:29.291Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 5318775174384 => Y
2021-03-07T00:41:29.998Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DH-Q a28-0", "SystemAddress": 5318775174384, "StarPos": [-454.875, -396.0, 13317.4375], "StarClass": "Y"}
2021-03-07T00:41:29.999Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 13858918709881 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:30.714Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue OD-I b14-6", "SystemAddress": 13858918709881, "StarPos": [-449.09375, -402.65625, 13320.21875], "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:30.714Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 12727497727290 => K
2021-03-07T00:41:31.409Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue GW-R c6-46", "SystemAddress": 12727497727290, "StarPos": [-447.78125, -400.1875, 13327.375], "StarClass": "K"}
2021-03-07T00:41:31.409Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 632869821754 => K
2021-03-07T00:41:32.128Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue GW-R c6-2", "SystemAddress": 632869821754, "StarPos": [-440.96875, -401.6875, 13331.84375], "StarClass": "K"}
2021-03-07T00:41:32.128Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 10661912301219 => F
2021-03-07T00:41:32.835Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue FB-V d3-310", "SystemAddress": 10661912301219, "StarPos": [-435.53125, -399.21875, 13335.1875], "StarClass": "F"}
2021-03-07T00:41:32.836Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 6955061681466 => K
2021-03-07T00:41:33.600Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue GW-R c6-25", "SystemAddress": 6955061681466, "StarPos": [-428.5625, -402.59375, 13333.4375], "StarClass": "K"}
2021-03-07T00:41:33.601Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 4064842534555 => F
2021-03-07T00:41:34.335Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-NavRoute", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue BV-W d2-118", "SystemAddress": 4064842534555, "StarPos": [-424.875, -409.71875, 13332.03125], "StarClass": "F"}
2021-03-07T00:41:34.335Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 13858650339945 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:34.335Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:23Z", "event": "FSDTarget", "Name": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-6", "SystemAddress": 13858650339945, "StarClass": "M", "RemainingJumpsInRoute": 15, "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:34.339Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-FSDTarget", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-6", "SystemAddress": 13858650339945, "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:41:47.765Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 13858650339945 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:47.765Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:47Z", "event": "StartJump", "JumpType": "Hyperspace", "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-6", "SystemAddress": 13858650339945, "StarClass": "M", "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:55.972Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Storing 20455720106601 => M
2021-03-07T00:41:55.972Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T00:41:55Z", "event": "FSDTarget", "Name": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-9", "SystemAddress": 20455720106601, "StarClass": "M", "RemainingJumpsInRoute": 14, "type": "JournalEntry"}
2021-03-07T00:41:55.976Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-FSDTarget", "EdsmUplinkValid": true, "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue DW-L b12-9", "SystemAddress": 20455720106601, "StarClass": "M"}
2021-03-07T00:42:05.946Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Looking up system 13858650339945
packet1 commented 3 years ago

And here is the system on EDSM

packet1 commented 3 years ago

It then stops logging and doing anything more after I plot the initial route.

joncage commented 3 years ago

All those version checks look suspicious to me. Suggests there are multiple browser connections running I think. For completeness, do you have the game logs that match that EDScout log?

The other possibility that springs to mind is that it could be that the file system stops reporting changes to the scout. What happens if you run with the polling option (-force_polling).

Also, let's try setting the log level a bit lower with -log_level 0

rabbibob commented 3 years ago

EDScout-2021-03-07-11-38-29.log Journal.210307064222.01.log

EDScout.exe -log_level 2 -force_polling (I have no idea what the log_level parameters are and I saw your last update after I returned to the FC)


I can try -log_level 0 the next time I play.

Usually I get some display activity for a bit, then it quits, however this time it never populated. I think these are the only useful bits of the logs I uploaded. The INFO - Looking up system 53518902602 is the last functional update from EDScout.

2021-03-07T11:45:25.112Z - JournalInterface-JournalInterface - DEBUG - New journal entry identified: { "timestamp":"2021-03-07T11:45:25Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"DestinationFromHyperspace" }
2021-03-07T11:45:25.112Z - JournalInterface-JournalInterface - DEBUG - Found 2 new entries
2021-03-07T11:45:25.112Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Looking up system 53518902602
2021-03-07T11:45:30.133Z - EDScoutCore-FileSystemUpdatePrompter - DEBUG - File size check: 18924 (+85)

{ "timestamp":"2021-03-07T11:45:24Z", "event":"FSDJump", "StarSystem":"Wembaae BU-N c8-0", "SystemAddress":53518902602, "StarPos":[-18087.68750,-533.37500,23631.31250], "SystemAllegiance":"", "SystemEconomy":"$economy_None;", "SystemEconomy_Localised":"None", "SystemSecondEconomy":"$economy_None;", "SystemSecondEconomy_Localised":"None", "SystemGovernment":"$government_None;", "SystemGovernment_Localised":"None", "SystemSecurity":"$GAlAXY_MAP_INFO_state_anarchy;", "SystemSecurity_Localised":"Anarchy", "Population":0, "Body":"Wembaae BU-N c8-0 A", "BodyID":1, "BodyType":"Star", "JumpDist":16.852, "FuelUsed":0.324619, "FuelLevel":31.675381 }
{ "timestamp":"2021-03-07T11:45:25Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"DestinationFromHyperspace" }
{ "timestamp":"2021-03-07T11:45:30Z", "event":"Music", "MusicTrack":"Supercruise" }
{ "timestamp":"2021-03-07T11:45:30Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"AutoScan", "BodyName":"Wembaae BU-N c8-0 A", "BodyID":1, "Parents":[ {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Wembaae BU-N c8-0", "SystemAddress":53518902602, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":0.000000, "StarType":"K", "Subclass":5, "StellarMass":0.734375, "Radius":605866880.000000, "AbsoluteMagnitude":6.324127, "Age_MY":5548, "SurfaceTemperature":4389.000000, "Luminosity":"Va", "SemiMajorAxis":40391244888305.664063, "Eccentricity":0.047553, "OrbitalInclination":-24.361606, "Periapsis":330.354838, "OrbitalPeriod":249122005701.065063, "RotationPeriod":295502.793906, "AxialTilt":0.000000, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false }
{ "timestamp":"2021-03-07T11:45:32Z", "event":"FSSDiscoveryScan", "Progress":1.000000, "BodyCount":3, "NonBodyCount":0, "SystemName":"Wembaae BU-N c8-0", "SystemAddress":53518902602 }
packet1 commented 3 years ago

I tried this but it doesn't seem to launch:

start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\EDScout\" EDScout.exe -force-polling -log_level 0 -port 333 -host

rabbibob commented 3 years ago

I believe you need to download the diagnostic version.


packet1 commented 3 years ago

Oh, that should be an underscore and not a dash.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

Exception in thread Thread-4: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner File "watchdog\observers\", line 203, in run File "watchdog\observers\", line 376, in dispatch_events File "watchdog\", line 452, in dispatch File "watchdog\", line 336, in dispatch File "EDScoutCore\", line 144, in on_modified File "EDScoutCore\", line 193, in _on_journal_change File "EDScoutCore\", line 197, in on_journal_change File "EDScoutCore\", line 204, in process_new_journal_entries File "EDScoutCore\", line 179, in process_journal_change File "EDScoutCore\", line 166, in tack_on_additional_info File "EDScoutCore\", line 150, in append_info_to_fsdjump KeyError: 'valuableBodies'

packet1 commented 3 years ago

So I'm running the normal production build but with log_level 0 and force_polling. I don't see any different behavior in the app from what I reported above. Recapping:


I have blank logs image

packet1 commented 3 years ago

You can find me in the D2EA Discord if you want to look live :)

rabbibob commented 3 years ago


EDScout log empty

I started EDScout after E:D and when I honked, it displayed the T Type Star prior to the first jump. After the jump, it went to the >> HYPERSPACE << display and the cmd windows had the following (same as packet1):

C:\Users\RB\Downloads\EDScout-DiagnosticBuild\EDScout>edscout.exe -log_level 0 -force_polling
Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "watchdog\observers\", line 203, in run
  File "watchdog\observers\", line 376, in dispatch_events
  File "watchdog\", line 452, in dispatch
  File "watchdog\", line 336, in dispatch
  File "EDScoutCore\", line 144, in on_modified
  File "EDScoutCore\", line 193, in _on_journal_change
  File "EDScoutCore\", line 197, in on_journal_change
  File "EDScoutCore\", line 204, in process_new_journal_entries
  File "EDScoutCore\", line 179, in process_journal_change
  File "EDScoutCore\", line 166, in tack_on_additional_info
  File "EDScoutCore\", line 150, in append_info_to_fsdjump
KeyError: 'valuableBodies'
joncage commented 3 years ago

Awesome; That looks like a smoking gun right there :)

Tried to find you in D2EA discord but failed.

Give this a shot:

packet1 commented 3 years ago

Progress has been made, but still partially broken. I can see systems populating in the webserver when I use the FSS but it shows that I'm still in hyperspace.


packet1 commented 3 years ago

Logs EDScout-2021-03-08-02-17-11.log

packet1 commented 3 years ago

1.8.1 - still broken with refreshing between system and system jumping.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

Expanding on the bug report....I am currently in GRAEA HYPUE BV-W D2-142 but EDscout has not updated to reflect that.


rabbibob commented 3 years ago

@joncage - do you happen to have a debug version available for

joncage commented 3 years ago

Diagnostic build:

I need to find some time to add some more comprehensive tests. The fixes I added to cope with bad connections to EDSM seem to have screwed things up royally at the moment.

To date, whenever I've been testing new features I've done it either by jumping my ship around and/or with a set of quite crufty in-browser JavaScript which is a pain in the ass to use and maintain (and it's not automated).

My plan is to set up a load of test cases that simulate the various activities a commander can take and prove this in a two step process:

  1. Journal files to EDScout backend output.
  2. EDScout web server input to browser output

...and share outputs from the first stage as inputs to the second stage. That way we should have no surprises, and if there are new edge cases I miss it should be much easier to just grab the logs from a helpful Cmdr such as yourselves and replay them to make a new test case.

  1. Simulate EDScout back end starting up and catching up with existing log files.
  2. Simulate starting up then plotting a new route.
  3. Simulate starting up, plotting then jumping
  4. Simulate starting up, plotting jumping, scanning

...and do the above with some EDSM interaction mocking to simulate what happens when EDSM is down Vs up and when a system has been discovered or not.

Lots of variations to test which is why automating it is key and why we've got the situation we're in now.

Finally, I think to automate the testing a little more thoroughly (mental note to self) I'm probably going to have to refactor the way things are launched so the web server becomes a bit less closely coupled with the back end (i.e. a single process launches the back end and the web server rather than the web server launching the back end).

rabbibob commented 3 years ago

Thank you

Journal.210309051533.01.log EDScout was emtpy (let me know if we should run level 1 or other unless you direct otherwise)

Diagnostic: Log Level 0 w/force polling

This may take some time to render (didn't think to check the output & it was at 4k). Upload finished 6:02 Eastern.

  1. [00:00] Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-3 | Starts
  2. [00:15] Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-3 | Selected Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-4 and disembarks FC for jump
  3. [01:27] Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-4 | Current Location did not update
  4. [01:44] Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-4 | Jumps to HYPERSPACE without any selection being made (what event caused this?)
  5. [01:53] Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-4 | Selected Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-2 {block 1}
  6. [03:15] Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-4 | FSS populates planet board
  7. [05:34] Eocs Chraea WS-U b57-2 | FSS Starts {12}
  8. [06:30] Eocs Chraea WS-U b57-2 | FSS Ends - populates planet board
  9. [06:50] Eocs Chraea WS-U b57-2 | RTB -> Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-3

Block 1

{ "timestamp":"2021-03-09T10:21:54Z", "event":"FSSDiscoveryScan", "Progress":1.000000, "BodyCount":2, "NonBodyCount":0, "SystemName":"Eocs Chraea WX-U b57-4", "SystemAddress":9080768909809 }
{ "timestamp":"2021-03-09T10:22:10Z", "event":"FSDTarget", "Name":"Eocs Chraea YS-U b57-2", "SystemAddress":4682722333169, "StarClass":"M" }

I'm now about 8,000 LY shy of the Void. I expect we'll be there for a couple of days (hopefully over the weekend) and I can run the same sort of tests.

Hope this helps and if you need a specific thing tried, let me know. I may be able to sell some info back to the FC for Cartographics if we need a test involving a discovered system.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

I watched rabbibob's video and the behavior he sees virtually mirrors what I see as well. My offer stands to provide live debugging should you want it :)

rabbibob commented 3 years ago

My assumption above on the unknown event did not take it into account the lag time between in game action and EDScout updating. I did that jump and left fairly quickly in retrospect. :redherring:

joncage commented 3 years ago

I watched rabbibob's video and the behavior he sees virtually mirrors what I see as well. My offer stands to provide live debugging should you want it :)

Shouldn't take me too long to jump far enough to find some unadulterated systems so I can debug from my machine but I will definitely give you a shout if I can't replicate.

It does seem like EDScout lags the game much more significantly on your machine Vs what I see on mine - I wonder what the difference is there. I do have some very fast disks in this computer.

One other possibility is that we do now have retries on the EDSM requests so it's possible it's taking a while to come back from those perhaps. I could add some more debug to try and highligh that.

rabbibob commented 3 years ago

Unsure, I just doubled checked to make sure I wasn't using symlinks for my users\ directory and I'm not: it's on an SSD.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

Need some help with live logs/debug? @joncage

joncage commented 3 years ago

I'm currently out in the black. Did some debugging tonight and think I may have found the problem that was preventing hyperspace from disappearing. Will test again tomorrow...

packet1 commented 3 years ago

I am out there live now if you need help. Find me on the D2EA discord.

joncage commented 3 years ago

Caught this today (not sure if it's new or not):

2021-03-12T21:12:17.943Z - EDScoutWebUI-EDScout - INFO - ED Scout v1.8.1-1-g764e941 Starting
2021-03-12T21:12:17.943Z - EDScoutWebUI-EDScout - DEBUG - Current process: 5956
2021-03-12T21:12:18.138Z - EDScoutWebUI-EDScout - INFO - Disabling caching
2021-03-12T21:12:18.183Z - EDScoutWebUI-EDScout - INFO - Looking for HUD overrides in C:\Users\Jon\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Graphics\GraphicsConfigurationOverride.xml
2021-03-12T21:12:18.194Z - EDScoutWebUI-EDScout - INFO - Successfully remapped styles to match Elite HUD
2021-03-12T21:12:18.198Z - EDScoutCore-FileSystemUpdatePrompter - DEBUG - File size check: 1518
2021-03-12T21:12:18.199Z - JournalInterface-JournalInterface - DEBUG - Journal change: C:\Users\Jon\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Journal.210312211122.01.log
Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\python37\lib\", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "C:\Users\Jon\.virtualenvs\EDScout-yEs4E1p6\lib\site-packages\watchdog\observers\", line 203, in run
    self.dispatch_events(self.event_queue, self.timeout)
  File "C:\Users\Jon\.virtualenvs\EDScout-yEs4E1p6\lib\site-packages\watchdog\observers\", line 376, in dispatch_events
  File "C:\Users\Jon\.virtualenvs\EDScout-yEs4E1p6\lib\site-packages\watchdog\", line 452, in dispatch
    super(PatternMatchingEventHandler, self).dispatch(event)
  File "C:\Users\Jon\.virtualenvs\EDScout-yEs4E1p6\lib\site-packages\watchdog\", line 336, in dispatch
  File "C:\Users\Jon\Documents\EDScout\EDScoutCore\", line 144, in on_modified
  File "C:\Users\Jon\Documents\EDScout\EDScoutCore\", line 193, in _on_journal_change
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

...but it definitely killed the back end that was watching for events.

packet1 commented 3 years ago

2021-03-07T20:51:56.197Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"timestamp": "2021-03-07T20:51:56Z", "event": "FSDTarget", "Name": "Graea Hypue AV-N b11-13", "SystemAddress": 29252618500705, "StarClass": "M", "RemainingJumpsInRoute": 3, "type": "JournalEntry"} 2021-03-07T20:51:56.201Z - EDScoutCore-EDScout - INFO - Reporting: {"type": "System-FSDTarget", "charted": false, "StarSystem": "Graea Hypue AV-N b11-13", "SystemAddress": 29252618500705, "StarClass": "M"} 2021-03-07T20:52:07.159Z - JournalInterface-JournalInterface - ERROR - Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) Traceback (most recent call last): File "EDScoutCore\", line 109, in process_journal_change File "EDScoutCore\", line 75, in entry_from_journal_line File "", line 348, in loads File "json\", line 337, in decode File "json\", line 355, in raw_decode json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

joncage commented 3 years ago

Give this a shot:

...seems to have fixed it for me :)

packet1 commented 3 years ago

Can you check that link again @joncage ?

joncage commented 3 years ago
