joncampbell123 / composite-video-simulator

Code to process video to simulate analog composite video.
130 stars 17 forks source link

Something Useful I Figured Out #13

Closed CoolOppo closed 3 years ago

CoolOppo commented 5 years ago

Hey @joncampbell123, thanks a ton for posting the code for this project. This is some of the most interesting code I have read (never knew how composite worked at all).

Anyways, I figured out that if you encode your input video as a .y4m file, the process of running it through ffmpeg_ntsc is 10x to 100x faster on my machine (no joke). Didn't know if you already knew this or not but hopefully someone can see this info.

Edit: Yes, this is probably because it's just doing the decoding of the input video beforehand, so if you're doing a one-shot encode with some parameters you already know, it's probably not faster. BUT if you're trying to tweak the settings and compare different parameters, this has sped up my workflow immensely.

Also not sure if I should make another issue, but is there any way you could add a license file? (Also might be good to say explicitly that people are free to use this to encode videos without giving you royalties. I don't think you are going to sue anyone but it's always good just to be sure.)

Btw sorry if this isn't an appropriate channel to send this through, didn't see any other contact links/email to send this via.

CoolOppo commented 5 years ago

Also if I were going to try parallelizing this code, do you know where I should look? I don't think I would be able to process and write multiple frames out to a buffer, would I?

I'm thinking about trying to get this working on OpenCL or CUDA but I don't know enough about the whole process to know where to look. Do you have any good pointers?