Open Focus78 opened 3 years ago
I cannot really reproduce this issue. You can try start DOSBox-X with -fs (-fullscreen) option and see if it works.
I experience no change adding the "-fs" command line option to the batch file.
Try launching glovepie from the same batchfile prior to dosbox-x. I use it to remap keys that some games don't provide the option to natively. Maybe you can reproduce it that way.
This is still not resolved nor was it acknowledged why this behavior is only occurring with the SDL1 build and not the SDL2 build. I provided exactly how to reproduce the problem in case it was missed.
@Focus78 I guess this issue may only be reproduceable on very specific setups, which I may try later. In your case why not try the SDL2 build then if it works for you?
Because as I already mentioned, the SDL2 build distorts playback when utilitizing soundfonts. The MIDI music is essentially screwed up at various points in each track...
@Focus78 Can you try maximized-window mode instead and see if it works for you? Maximized-window mode is similar to full-screen mode except that the title bar and menu bar are visible, and can be enabled with the config option in [sdl] section:
maximize = true
Hope this helps.
There was no "maximize" option by default in the config so I added it under the [SDL} header with the flag set to true. There is no change from the behavior previously described of dosbox-x launching minimized still.
Did you recreate the scenario I explained above with glovepie?
I have not yet reproduced the problem so far. However, there is certainly a maximize
option in [sdl] section of the config file. You can take a look at the sample config file here:
Here's a copy of the vanilla config and I'm running the most recent version according to your wesbite.
fullscreen = false fulldouble = true fullresolution = 1920x1080 windowresolution = 800x600 windowposition = 560,236 display = 0 output = openglhq autolock = false clip_mouse_button = right clip_key_modifier = shift clip_paste_bios = default clip_paste_speed = 30 sensitivity = 100 mouse_emulation = locked mouse_wheel_key = -1 waitonerror = true priority = higher,normal mapperfile = usescancodes = auto titlebar = showbasic = false showdetails = false showmenu = false
title = fastbioslogo = true startbanner = false bannercolortheme = default dpi aware = auto quit warning = false show advanced options = false hostkey = mapper mapper send key = ctrlaltdel synchronize time = false machine = svga_s3 captures = autosave = saveslot = 1 savefile = saveremark = true forceloadstate = false memsize = 32 nocachedir = false freesizecap = cap
vmemsize = -1 vmemsizekb = 0 high intensity blinking = true
frameskip = 0 aspect = false euro = -1 doublescan = true scaler = hq3x glshader = none pixelshader = none autofit = true monochrome_pal = green
core = auto fpu = true cputype = auto cycles = max cycleup = max cycledown = max apmbios = true isapnpbios = false
aux = true controllertype = auto auxdevice = intellimouse
nosound = false swapstereo = false rate = 48000 blocksize = 4096
mpu401 = intelligent mpubase = 0 mididevice = fluidsynth midiconfig = samplerate = 48000 mpuirq = -1 mt32.romdir = fluid.driver = default fluid.soundfont = SC-55.sf2
sbtype = sb16 sbbase = 220 irq = 7 dma = 1 hdma = 5 enable speaker = false sbmixer = true oplmode = auto oplemu = default oplrate = 48000 oplport = hardwarebase = 220 goldplay = true blaster environment variable = true
gus = false gusrate = 48000 gusmemsize = -1 gus master volume = 0.00 gusbase = 240 gusirq = 5 gusdma = 3 gustype = classic ultradir = C:\ULTRASND
pcspeaker = true pcrate = 48000 tandy = auto tandyrate = 48000 disney = false ps1audio = off ps1audiorate = 48000
xms = true xms handles = 0 shell configuration as commands = false hma = true ansi.sys = true share = true file access tries = 0 network redirector = false minimum mcb free = 0 dosv = off ems = false umb = true quick reboot = false ver = 7.1 lfn = true automount = false automountall = false mountwarning = true autofixwarning = true startcmd = false startwait = true startquiet = true int33 = true keyboardlayout = auto dos clipboard device enable = false dos clipboard device name = CLIP$ dos clipboard api = true
[Config] set temp =
This is still not resolved. Have any attempts to reproduce with the instructions I provided even been made?
@Focus78 I had downloaded GlovePIE but never used this software before, and you did not provide any details on how you used it to run DOSBox-X. In any case, you can try start DOSBox-X with the command-line parameter -set maximize=true
so that DOSBox-X is supposed to start in maximized-window mode. Hope this helps.
As I already explained in post 7, I tried this when you suggested it 5 days ago and it changed nothing. This "maximize" flag has no effect when launching from a batch file.
I also never said anything about glovepie running dosbox-x. All I mentioned is that it's launched for keybinds alongside dosbox-x from the same batch file.
It's not at all difficult to launch 2 programs from the same batch file so I'm not sure why you haven't replicated this in over a week. I doubt glovepie even has any bearing on this at all. I just mentioned it because that's exactly what I'm doing in my experience that's causing dosbox-x to always launch minimized.
@Focus78 If we put glovepie aside, the reason that I haven't replicated this so far is simply that I was unable to reproduce the said issue at all on my computer. I tried to launch DOSBox-X session from a batch file with either the maximize or fullscreen option and they both work as expected. Note that not all results are reproduceable on all computers - some results can only be reproduced on certain computers because of their specific configurations etc, and you cannot expect everyone else to also reproduce the exactly same result on different computers. You may want to check other factor(s) that may cause the said issue on your system. Once again, I tried several times but was not able to reproduce the said issue on my computer so far.
But you still haven't launched both programs together from a batch file so I'm not sure how you can determine that you aren't able to reproduce the problem if you haven't put forth the effort to replicate the siatuation that it occurs in???
@Focus78 You never posted the contents of your batch file that can be used to reproduce the said problem, did you? It will be much easier for us to try to reproduce the problem with the actual content of your batch file posted. Otherwise we can only make our own batch files in trying to do so, and in such cases I was never able to reproduce the problem at all. There are many questions in the issue tracker needs to be supported, and no one can spend all time to try to replicate the particular problem reported on this single issue of course.
@Echo off CD "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-X\GlovePie" Start GlovePie.exe -"Rebel Moon.pie"
CD "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-X" Start DOSBox-X.exe -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-X\AmpShell\Rebel Moon.conf"
CD "C:\Windows\System32"
:TEST Tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DOSBox-X.exe" 2>NUL | Find /I /N "DOSBox-X.exe">NUL If "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto ACTIVE
:DEAD Taskkill /F /IM GlovePie.exe Exit
:ACTIVE Timeout /T 1 Goto TEST
Looks like the batch file is not so simple - it calls GlovePie first with its configuration, and then DOSBox-X with its configuration, and also calls the Windows TASKLIST/TASKKILL programs etc. In order to find out what causes the issue, can you try commenting out all lines except the lines to start DOSBox-X and see if it works as desired?
Also note that DOSBox-X had been installed in a non-default path - C:\Program Files\DOSBox-X. Installing DOSBox-X in C:\Program Files can possibly cause issue too, which is why this is never recommended.
I have already tried eliminating any other variables that I could think of to try and work around the problem myself. It appears to be an issue with only the SDL1 version of dosbox-x and how it functions with batch files.
Both the SDL2 version and regular dosbox don't have this issue.
If I were to strip anything from the batch file that would defeat the entire purpose of using it. I don't want to have to manually launch a bunch of programs and close them out individually and there's no reason that I should have to with the batch file I created.
The purpose to temporarily strip everything else from the batch file is just trying to find out which line(s) are possibly causing the issue. Once you find the line that causes the issue, it will be a major step towards the solution of the problem.
The problem is dosbox-x, not my batch file or the same problem would be occuring with the other versions as I have already explained. I have provided you with literally every single piece of information you need to fix your project.
@Focus78 You never provided the contents of your config files mentioned in your batch file -- Rebel Moon.pie
and Rebel Moon.conf
, did you? So I cannot make the exact same setups as yours. That is why I was trying to guide you find the exact line that causes issue and then find a solution for it.
I can already tell you that it's not going to make a difference but here you go:
glovepie: Key.W = Mouse.RightButton
dosbox: [SDL] fullscreen = true fulldouble = true fullresolution = 1920x1080 windowresolution = 800x600 windowposition = 560,236 display = 0 output = openglhq autolock = false clip_mouse_button = right clip_key_modifier = shift clip_paste_bios = default clip_paste_speed = 30 sensitivity = 130 mouse_emulation = locked mouse_wheel_key = -1 waitonerror = true priority = higher,normal mapperfile = usescancodes = auto titlebar = showbasic = false showdetails = false showmenu = false
[DOSBox] title = fastbioslogo = true startbanner = false bannercolortheme = default dpi aware = auto quit warning = false show advanced options = false hostkey = mapper mapper send key = ctrlaltdel synchronize time = false machine = svga_s3 captures = autosave = saveslot = 1 savefile = saveremark = true forceloadstate = false memsize = 32 nocachedir = false freesizecap = cap
[Render] frameskip = 0 aspect = false euro = -1 doublescan = true scaler = hq3x glshader = none pixelshader = none autofit = true monochrome_pal = green
[CPU] core = auto fpu = true cputype = auto cycles = max cycleup = max cycledown = max apmbios = true isapnpbios = false
[Keyboard] aux = true controllertype = auto auxdevice = intellimouse
[Mixer] nosound = false swapstereo = false rate = 48000 blocksize = 4096
[MIDI] mpu401 = intelligent mpubase = 0 mididevice = fluidsynth midiconfig = samplerate = 48000 mpuirq = -1 mt32.romdir = fluid.driver = default fluid.soundfont =
[SBlaster] sbtype = sb16 sbbase = 220 irq = 7 dma = 1 hdma = 5 enable speaker = false sbmixer = true oplmode = auto oplemu = default oplrate = 48000 oplport = hardwarebase = 220 goldplay = true blaster environment variable = true
[Speaker] pcspeaker = true pcrate = 48000 tandy = auto tandyrate = 48000 disney = false ps1audio = off ps1audiorate = 48000
[DOS] xms = true xms handles = 0 shell configuration as commands = false hma = true ansi.sys = true share = true file access tries = 0 network redirector = false minimum mcb free = 0 dosv = off ems = false umb = true quick reboot = false ver = 7.1 lfn = true automount = false automountall = false mountwarning = true autofixwarning = true startcmd = false startwait = true startquiet = true int33 = true keyboardlayout = auto dos clipboard device enable = false dos clipboard device name = CLIP$ dos clipboard api = true
Tested with your config file, and the said issue is apparently caused by the following setting:
fullresolution = 1920x1080
Please try to comment out this line, or make the value match your actual full-screen resolution and see how it works.
It's a 1080p monitor, so how is that not my full screen resolution?
Nor does this occur with the other versions as I described. So how is that explained?
It is possible that your screen is scaled. But in any case, you don't need to set the fullresolution option in such case and can just leave it empty. Hope this helps.
Nope. That changed absolutely nothing just like I said it would since this has nothing to do with the config files.
I changed the field to be completely empty and the problem still persists. You're going to have to actually dig into this rather than suggesting workaround attempts.
You also still haven't explained why this behavior is specific to just the SDL1 variant and not the SDL2 or normal dosbox like I have asked several times now.
@Focus78 Can I point out that this is an opensource project, and Wengier is volunteering his spare time. He is not being paid for this, and your not paying anyone for this software. As such can you please stop acting so privileged?
@rderooy What?
Since when is pointing out that he still has yet to attempt to replicate the issue after nearly 3 weeks despite providing every single minute detail that he’s asked for considered “privileged”?
I reported this bug in good faith that it would actually be looked into rather than passed off and blamed on other irrelevant factors. And do I need to remind you that I also never signed up to become an unpaid beta tester? Free software is a two way street bud.
I was only able to “replicate” the issue after you posted the content of the config file 3 days ago (not 3 weeks ago). And I solved it on my own computer by making the change I said above. If it does not work for you, then I have no idea why since the suggestion did solve the problem for me and this was what I could help with. Perhaps someone else can help with your particular problem better.
I don’t need help from anyone else. I need you as the developer to fix the bugs in your software that’s specific to the SDL1 variant. I have explicitly indicated half a dozen times that’s it’s specific to this version and therefore that’s where the problem is. If this was an issue with any of the irrelevant things you’ve been trying to scapegoat it would occur across multiple different versions. You’ve finally indicated that you’ve replicated the issue, so I don’t know what more I can provide you with to aid in this being fixed at this point.
@Focus78 I am not the only developer. Other developers or contributors can help with such problems too. For your case, I believe the problem is specific to GlovePie, and you only posted the contents of the batch file very recently. If you change the line:
Start GlovePie.exe -"Rebel Moon.pie"
To something like:
Start Notepad.exe
Then the issue probably won't occur. This needs to studied more in order to find out the exact cause of the problem.
So if this is apparently an issue with glovepie to continue pushing the blame elsewhere, why doesn't it occur with the SDL2 version?
I guess it is an incompatibility between GlovePie and SDL1 builds. Still try the maximized window mode instead of fullscreen mode:
Start DOSBox-X.exe -set maximize=true -set fullscreen=false -conf "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-X\AmpShell\Rebel Moon.conf"
So fix the incompatibility then?
I'm not interested in running maximized. Even if I can get that to work, I've tried it before and it screws up the scaling and continues to show desktop elements while the game is running as well as breaking freesync.
This is not a solution.
I will add it to todo list. No emulator is perfect, especially for compatibility with every other software.
Or you could also fix soundfonts not working properly with the SDL2 build since this problem doesn't occur there if that would speed up the process and aid in a larger portion of the userbase seeing a benefit.
@Focus78 You did not mention what soundfonts you are using for SDL2 builds. Do you mean e.g. .SF2 fonts using FluidSynth playback?
Music is consistently distorted in the games I tried.
There are quite a few config options related to FludSynth, some of them are advanced options that can be shown if you show all options in the Configuration Tool. Perhaps you can try change some of these settings and see if it helps?
P.S. More information about FluidSynth configurations (and other MIDI settings) in DOSBox-X can be found in the following Wiki page:
This has nothing to do with settings as the soundfont playback works perfectly fine with the exact same default settings with the SDL1 build.............
@Focus78 Did you use 32-bit SDL2 builds or 64-bit SDL2 builds? They may work differently regarding the sound fonts, so if you used one of them please try the other.
I don't have the option to try both builds on that machine as it's exclusively for retro games and therefore not 64-bit since that causes problems with many old games being incompatible to install from disc.
@Focus78 I think 64-bit builds should be fine with old games, as long as your machine is also 64-bit. Both 32-bit and 64-bit builds should work similarly, and they differ only in specific cases (e.g. the bits of Glide wrappers need to match the bits of DOSBox-X builds). For dynamic core, 64-bit builds will use 64-bit dynamic x86 core by default, but the normal core is exactly the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit builds.
Clearly you misunderstood what I said. I said the machine has a 32-bit OS so therefore it can't install a 64-bit version of the software. The machine doesn't just run DOS games and many 16-bit game install discs and even many 32-bit ones have problems installing natively on a 64-bit OS.
So again, rather than running in circles suggesting I invest countless hours of time trying to find work arounds for bugs in your software, why not just fix them?
Either the always opening minimized bug when launching from a batch file in the SDL1 build or the screwed up soundfonts in the SDL2 build since both of these problems only exist on the specific variant and not the other. It makes no difference to me.
Of course we all want to make software free of bugs, but this is apparently impossible due to the complexity of software. SDL1 and SDLL2 builds work somewhat differently so it is certainly possible to have SDL-version specific issue(s). The issue with SDL1 is connected to GlovePie, so it may be possible to fix it from the GlovePie side as well. As the software is free and open-source, you cannot expect perfection (but anyone feel feel to fix any issues).
Well, if you feel so strongly about the SDL1 build problem being explicitly tied to glovepie then fix the soundfont issue with SDL2 then. As I already indicated, I'm sure that would benefit a far larger portion of the userbase especially because it's touted as such an important feature that's clearly broken.
Can you try to use MT32 or another MIDI device for 32-bit SDL2 builds for now? The soundfont issue is likely specific to 32-bit SDL2 builds only.
Not all gemes that support sound canvas support MT-32 neither do you get the same effect as the numerous soundfonts available.
I just downloaded the most recent version and the problem is still not resolved.
Describe the bug 0.83.15 always opens in window mode when launched from a batch file despite "fullscreen = true" being set in the config file. The behavior is correct with the SDL2 version but then any game running with a soundfont has the music all screwed up.
To Reproduce Launch a game with dosbox-x from a batch file.
Expected behavior If the flag "fullscreen = true" is set in the config file then it should always open in fullscreen.
Environment (please complete the following information): Windows 0.83.15