joncampbell123 / dosbox-x

DOSBox-X fork of the DOSBox project
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Inukaze vs Windows 98SE via DOSBox-X 2024.03.01 #5013

Open inukaze opened 1 month ago

inukaze commented 1 month ago

Hi there this issue is like an update of "" but insted from Windows 7 Host Machine, i am on my home pc, with the follow specs :

Motherboard : Brand : ASUSTeK | Model : M2N68-AM SE2 SBES : American Megatrends | Version : 1409

Processor : AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ | Cache : 2 MB Family : k8 | Cores : 2 , Max Speed : 3 GHz

RAM : 3,00 GB | Quantity : 2 (1=1GB y 1=2GB) Type : DDR2 | Bus : 800 Mhz | CL : Unknow

GPU [ ] : MSI GeForce GT 620 2GB Lp driver : nouveau [ NVC1 ]| OpenGL : 4.3 / OpenGL ES : 3.1

I am under Slackware(64) 15.0, Desktop : Plasma KDE 5.23.5, KDE Framework : 5.90, QT Version . 5.15.3, Kernel = 5.15.3, i am using X11.

i had compile manually the DOSBox version with SDL2 [ Because i don't find a method to compile SDL1 version under GNU/Linux ].

Well before i forget, In DOSBox-X GUI when i use the GUI Menu to choose any element is auto-open / auto-expaned without click, and is bothering me becuase don't wait the user interaction to activate and that behaiveur, for example don't allow me to select "Drive -> D" becuase the "C" open first and the menu is extense and does not allow me change, and the keyboard arrows does not nothing in the GUI Menu.

Apart of that when i use the GUI Menu option to restart dosbox-x with a configuration file, the confs file does not appears on the dialog box.

0000 - Conf files are not listed

Here my win98se.conf file current content ->

First : Make the Harddisk Image, after mount the harddisk image

mount c /media/700GB/msdos
imgmake dos32gb.img -t hd size 32768
mount -u c
imgmount c /media/700GB/msdos/dos32gb.img -ide 1m


Second : make directories to copy win98se installation files

mkdir instalar
cd instalar
mkdir win98se
imgmount d WIN98SE.ISO -t iso -fs iso
xcopy d:\win98 c:\instalar\win98se /I /E
cd instalar


Third : Well i try to umount drive d from GUI, but the menues open without wait the user make click and that makes me impossible just clic "D" and after "Umount drive" becuase just when i pose the mouse pointer the sub-menu is automatically expanded and i can open the next one becuase the big size of this sub-menu.

Well just continue and start the Windows98SE (Spanish Version) Installation :

cd win98se
instalar /nm /is


Start the installation process 0004

Why the GUI Menu react just to mouse hover instead wait the user make click on the option of menu the user want to use, well i can't open the "Drive -> D" menu becuase "C" open first XD.


i prefer the "Compact" and install the things i need. Meanwhile the installation process continue i am going downloading the files i want put inside the hdd image for install when i can under Windows98SE, just the drivers because the english version of software are incompatible with spanish version :

Just Search "dosbox95 darktraveler important files" on internet for found a useful WIN9X software.


Well i forgot active « Turbo » mode, during installation i well the installation take near 2 hours for me to be accomplish


Four : After finish installation and the first boot of WIN98SE, just exit from dosbox its time to mount harddisk image, like is explained on

i open a terminal and use the follow commands

fdisk -lu /media/700GB/msdos/dos32gb.img

Disco /media/700GB/msdos/dos32gb.img: 32 GiB, 34356994560 bytes, 67103505 sectores Unidades: sectores de 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Tamaño de sector (lógico/físico): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Tamaño de E/S (mínimo/óptimo): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Tipo de etiqueta de disco: dos Identificador del disco: 0xe3657373

Disposit. Inicio Comienzo Final Sectores Tamaño Id Tipo /media/700GB/msdos/dos32gb.img1 * 63 67103504 67103442 32G c W95 FAT32 (LBA)

63*512=32256 [ Start Multiply by Size of I/O by minimum/optimun and the result is the offset you need to mount it = 32256 ]

mount with :

mkdir -p /media/hd0

mount -o loop,offset=32256,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000,iocharset=utf8,rw,user /media/700GB/msdos/dos32gb.img /media/hd0


umask=000 is for full access, just see the manual of mount. i copy the softwares i need i can need or i just wanna test.

i share the old software i can found for Win9X on my media fire folder ->

"Controladores" => "Drivers", "Impresora" = "Printer" "Programas" => "Programs" "Sistema" => "System"

Note : with the Autocad 2005 i found on EDK2 Network, i should mount with the follow command on that ISO i found "Internet Explorer 6" Spanish version, curiosly in the installation GUI had German Texts XD.

mkdir -p /media/hd1

mount -o norock,map=off,loop,offset=307200 "Autodesk AutoCAD 2005 Español + Keygen crack + Librerias (+de13000) + Simbocad + Urbicad + con manual oficial 2005 por darruest.nrg" "/media/hd1"

Slackware(64) 15.0 came with FuseNRG, that use FuseISO, with this things you can mount directly the nrg image format but you should use the options "norock,map=off,loop,offset=307200"

Or if you don't want mount directly you can convert nrg to iso with "nrg2iso" or another software

after finish remember umount umount /media/hd0


i had installed the "Voodoo Official" drivers i had, this driver are not have digital signed [ i don't know should be to say on english XD ] and i got 3DFX Tab


The first program i need is "Virtual Clone Drive" to make a Virtual CDVD-ROM Drive inside the Win9X installation for mount "Disc Images"

The Win98SE came with DirectX 6.1a 0012

I had download ISOS from Old PC Magazines like :

i test some demos / shareware came in that isos like BLAM 0014-Blam

The msdos games without 3DFX works perfectly

Meanwhile i am searching the software, specify on the guide :

The list indicate the follow softwares :

Microsoft .NET framework version 1.1 Spanish Version i had here ->

Microsoft .NET framework version Languages Pack i had here ->

Curiosly no says nothing about Sound Blaster 16, neither 3DFx Voodoo

Windows 98 SE Hang up closing, when you install « Windows Installer 1.1» from « AutoCAD LT 2002 » (i extract from folder called "support" )

If you set a jpg or png image as background, requiere enable "Active Directory", and something give a error on MSHTML.DLL

015 - Changing Wallpaper

i use IrfanView 3.20 to Save the image i want in BMP format to disable "Active Directory" and use a format supported natively by O.S.

Install .NET Framework 1.1 Take long time (with DirectX & WinTune says the PC is a 66 MHz Pentium MMX) take near 2 hours on my case.

well i think with 66 MHz is a very slow for "Pentium MMX" (my first Pentium MMX was 233 MHz with 3DNow! Support)

66 Mhz is not too much slow incluse for Win95A ? Well i hope people with a more modern pc can reach the Pentium MMX 266 MHz with 3DNow! to play old Win9X Games the most accurate and with the best Framerate can be played.

Well still i am searching the version [ Spanish in case be need it ] compatible with Win98SE of

Note : i had installed the "Voodoo 3 Drivers" and has installed and the 3DFx Voodoo Tab from Display Properties has be gone. with a program calle WinTune i make test

i share here the latest DxDiag ->

After i found the software the guide says, i start test with 3DFX Games for Win9X.

inukaze commented 1 month ago

Very bad ideas :

1 - Install English USB Updates [ Change some things from Spanish to English like Start Menu ]


2 - Try to Install WinSCP 4.4.0 [ Hang up DOSBox-X not mouse pointer ] 016-WinSCP440-001


3 - Install Voodoo 1 Official or Custom Drivers when you want update DirectX, for uncomprensible reasons for me, the DOSBox now indicate the Process speed now is "60 MHz" instead "66 MHz" like when using the DirectX 6.1 came with System



Because if you upgrade DirectX using Voodoo 1 Drivers ( Official / Custom ) [ i found on DarkTraveler Site ] , you can make Test on Screen Tab, becuase the "DDI" is too Old and can't access to "Direct3D"




Make in consideration the follow ideas : 1 - Make a 32GB HDD Image for Win9X [ Windows 95 or Windows 98 or Windows ME ]

2 - Put all installers you need inside the HDD Image, like "xplorer2 lite" i prefer this like replacement for the "explorer" of "win98se" becuase works more similar to the "explorer" for "Windows XP"

3 - Try to install the most accurate drivers for the Windows version you want to use ever prefer signed drivers.

By the moment i don't know which are the most accurate voodoo hardware must be use with dosbox-x

Which be the best driver for "Screen 1" : S3 ?

Which be the best driver for "Screen 2" : Voodoo : PCI, Rush, Banshee, 2, 3 (3500TVSE?), 4 (4800?) or 5 (5500?) if posible use AGP ?

Well i am going test this drivers ->

4 - First search information about the retro software you wish to use inside DOSBox-x like the reqs

5 - Try to determinate if you really need install some things like "Internet Explorer 5.5" or "Internet Explorer 6.0", or in you first experiencies with DOSBox-X + Win9X, try all software want and can, becuase some old software does not works fine yet.

inukaze commented 1 month ago

Well i going to start again this but using Win95 just for see if i can install both, Win95 and Win98 on separated folders and make it work XD and its for test software and re-organizate my mediafire softwares for Win9X.

Well i can't use the 32GB Hard Disk image with Win95RTM cannot be installable, appears the error SU-0013, something about DrvSpace or something, looks like the Hard Disk officially supported not be superior to 2GB.

Well with Win95 OSR2.1 i can use the 32GB Hdd Image XD.

Something strange is happening, the ScanDisk stuck on "SDD" folder, i mount hdd image file on host machine, but i can delete that folder just on that folder says "Read-Only File System" :v

How i can use the file : "TRIO64 (Ver. 1.5-07) [VGA] (S3 Incorporated).bin" ? how i know if this file is using by dosbox-x ?

Which driver i need under Win95 OSR2.1 for this IDE ? win95-001

Or its not a driver faults is just something in configuration?