jondot / graphene

Graphene is a realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.
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Adding Cross-Domain support via JSONP #7

Closed dcartoon closed 12 years ago

dcartoon commented 12 years ago


I've committed a change that allows cross-domain refreshes without any additional work by the user. This is done via what's called JSONP(JSON + padding - To do this, I had to change the "get" call to be done via jQuery, since it has built-in support for JSONP(and D3 doesn't, yet).

Graphite has had the corresponding server support for JSONP for the past few months, so no other changes are required for users to take advantage of this feature.

I haven't done any CoffeeScript before, so let me know if there's something that you'd like me to change.

Best Regards,


compressed commented 12 years ago

+1. I ran into this today and this fixed my problem!

jondot commented 12 years ago
