jondot / hygen

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Replace/fork enquirer? #402

Open parkerault opened 1 year ago

parkerault commented 1 year ago

Enquirer seems to be dead. The last substantial commits were in January 2020, and there are open PRs from several years ago (including this one, which I really need: It might be a good idea to create a fork for hygen so updates/improvements can be made.

jondot commented 1 year ago

Thanks, do you have a suggestion to replace? Or better still -- can offer a PR that replaces with something better?

parkerault commented 1 year ago

Hah, that's a fair question. I just thought I'd bring it up for discussion. I don't think it would be a good idea to completely replace it with something else since you'd either have to write an adapter for backwards compatibility, or require the entire community to rewrite their prompt.js files. Creating a jondot/enquirer fork would probably be the most pragmatic choice; that would at least allow you to merge PRs that the upstream maintainers have abandoned. If you do decide to create your own fork, I'd be happy to make a PR with the fix for autocomplete that allows custom user input, since that's the issue I'm dealing with at the moment.

jondot commented 1 year ago

I'm tracking prompts but i'm not sure it's as generalistic as enquirer, which is itself was a replacement for inquirer

katm201 commented 1 year ago

Enquirer was built on top of inquirer, which is still very much alive. They've got much the same API, so the level of effort should be a lot lower compared to a complete rip and replace.

Given the last release from enquirer was 3 years ago and I've been starting to run into some serious bugs with it, I've been considering switching to a different boilerplate generator like plop (which is built on inquirer instead), if this continues to go unaddressed.