jondot / sneakers

A fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
MIT License
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New spawned child after a signal always had logger.level set to DEBUG #272

Open nolith opened 7 years ago

nolith commented 7 years ago


I noticed that if I send an USR1 or USR2 signal to sneakers the respawned workers always have a log level se to DEBUG regardless of the parent configuration.

I tried to write a simple test, which unfortunately didn't fail but shows the problem on the STDOUT

it is supposed to be added to spec/sneakers/integration_spec.rb

    it 'should remember logging level after a signal' do
      assert(Sneakers.logger.level != Logger::WARN, 'log level precondition failed')
      old_log_level = Sneakers.logger.level
      puts "Logger level #{old_log_level}"
      Sneakers.logger.level = Logger::WARN
      job_count = 100

      pid = start_worker(IntegrationWorker)

      integration_log "publishing..."
      p =
      job_count.times do |i|
        p.publish("m #{i}", to_queue: IntegrationWorker.queue_name)

      sleep 2
      puts 'restarting child'
      sleep 2
      assert(Sneakers.logger.level == Logger::WARN, 'Log level was resetted after reloading')
      puts "Logger level #{Sneakers.logger.level}"
        queue: IntegrationWorker.queue_name,
        pid: pid,
        within_sec: 15,
        jobs: job_count,
aq1018 commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue here. Also other configs such as heartbeat interval are not respected as well...

michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

@qa sorry but this is very light on details: no Sneakers version information, no way to reproduce, not even a small code snippet. This is not something maintainers can work with.

michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

@nolith is this still relevant in master?

nolith commented 6 years ago

@michaelklishin no way to reproduce? Did you try the test that I wrote?

I no longer use sneakers (changed job) but I take some time to verify it today on master. The bug it's still there.

In order to reproduce:

  1. clone master
  2. apply this patch
    diff --git a/spec/sneakers/integration_spec.rb b/spec/sneakers/integration_spec.rb
    index 472d32c..03ea716 100644
    --- a/spec/sneakers/integration_spec.rb
    +++ b/spec/sneakers/integration_spec.rb
    @@ -142,6 +142,34 @@ describe "integration" do

As I said in the first message, the test itself will not fail; but will show the erratic behaviour on standard output.

[ ... cut ... ]
Logger level 3
2017-09-25T08:56:28Z p-36750 t-oxjt38j00 WARN: Loading runner configuration...
2017-09-25T08:56:28Z p-36750 t-oxjt38j00 WARN: Loading runner configuration...
2017-09-25T08:56:28Z p-36750 t-oxjt38j00 WARN: Loading runner configuration...
restarting child
2017-09-25T08:56:35Z p-36750 t-oxjt8wwrg WARN: Loading runner configuration...
2017-09-25T08:56:36Z p-36750 t-oxjt38j00 INFO: Worker 0 finished with status 0
2017-09-25T08:56:36Z p-36750 t-oxjt38j00 INFO: Worker 1 finished with status 0
2017-09-25T08:56:36Z p-36758 t-oxjt38j00 DEBUG: [worker-integration_wy16udoqlysqm9z90nqi5e0:1:rp53ez][#<Thread:0x007ff0a587f260>][integration_wy16udoqlysqm9z90nqi5e0][#<Sneakers::Configuration:0x007ff0a88f1510>] New worker: subscribing.
2017-09-25T08:56:36Z p-36758 t-oxjt38j00 DEBUG: Sent protocol preamble
2017-09-25T08:56:36Z p-36758 t-oxjt38j00 DEBUG: Sent connection.start-ok
[ ... cut ... ]
michaelklishin commented 6 years ago

@nolith thanks for the extra info.

aiomaster commented 6 years ago

Hi, I had the same problem as I tried to update the serverengine gem. It could get fixed with my PR with this line:

The problem is, that the serverengine resets the loglevel there if you don't specify the log_level option. It doesn't do this the first time, cause there is no @logger then. But if you restart a worker there is.