jondot / sneakers

A fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
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Publishing tasks? #6

Closed glenjamin closed 9 years ago

glenjamin commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure if I'm just being dense here, but I can't seem to see any docs or examples of publishing messages into Rabbit, only worker docs.

Are publishers outside the scope of sneakers?

LukeWinikates commented 10 years ago

I had the same question. It looks like there's a publisher.rb, which is a light wrapper around Bunny. I think it'd be good to highlight this in the examples, if it's considered ready for use.

jondot commented 10 years ago

Hi guys, It's true, the role of publishing is somewhat intentionally diminished. This is in order to avoid locking developers into one mindset a-la Sidekiq/Resque/etc. When you are in charge of serializing objects as messages, you have more power.

Since I'm working in a polyglot environment, and Sneakers was born out of the need for more performance, it wouldn't have been wise to dictate how to push messages to RabbitMQ.

For example, in my production environment, I use Go and Node.js (separate services) in order to publish new messages to RabbitMQ, and Sneakers to process them. I also use a lightweight but flexible message format - just serialized JSON that can contain anything. The workers are responsible to answer to that contract.

In this approach you can also use binary/msgpack/protocolbuffers or anything else really to formulate your messages - which to use is best dictated by your performance and development requirements.

That being said, @LukeWinikates is right - Publisher is a small shim that will allow you to do ad-hoc publishing. It is the same shim that lets a Sneakers worker "reply" to messages, by publishing from your actual job-handling code.

jondot commented 10 years ago

Thanks guys - this discussion ignited this Wiki page :)

glenjamin commented 10 years ago

Seems sensible, it may be worth including an example of the RabbitMQ publish code via bunny, as the rest of the lib doesn't really require understanding AMQP - even if you leave serialisation out of the example.

jondot commented 10 years ago

@glenjamin that's a great idea, will do

ged commented 10 years ago

publisher.rb doesn't (currently) honor any of the Sneakers.config except the :heartbeat option. It's easy enough to fix (copying the way it's done in queue.rb worked for me), but just thought I'd save people some time if you're looking to use it.

If I have time today, I can put together a pull request to fix that, if you're interested @jondot.

jondot commented 10 years ago

@ged of course - that would be awesome of you! :)

maxigs commented 10 years ago

I just saw that Worker#publish() merges the environment name into the routing_key. Is this by design?

Shouldn't the environment rather be defined by the vhost in RabbitMQ (or other connection settings) than to mix it all up and do magic on the names?

MadBomber commented 10 years ago

Unintended data pollution can occur when the test/development broker and the production broker are the same. Different routing keys cam help keep the test pollution out of the production data. I like to make sure that my tests are completely isolated with test vhost, test queues, test routing keys and a test broker.

Dewayne o-*

On Jan 13, 2014, at 9:35 AM, Benjamin Hüttinger wrote:

I just saw that Worker#publish() merges the environment name into the routing_key. Is this by design?

Shouldn't the environment rather be defined by the vhost in RabbitMQ (or other connection settings) than to mix it all up and do magic on the names?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

maxigs commented 10 years ago

I'm completely agreeing about separating different environments, but this separation should be early and only once. With different vhosts (connection settings) you already have separated environments. The rest is just adding complicating logic without benefit (and might actually be hurting you if you miss it in a case).

jondot commented 10 years ago

Might it be a better idea to opt-in to the environment magic? and by default not include it?

maxigs commented 10 years ago

I still don't see the point of having the magic for this at all. Its like naming tables in a database users_test users_production, which i hope no-one is doing.

But if its possible to turn it off i'm ok with it ;)

jondot commented 10 years ago

I'll spill some light into the reasons for the magic.

I too disliked the magic, but figured this is how all Ruby devs will expect it to work :)

Make sense?

maxigs commented 10 years ago

I'd stick to the pattern that for example ActiveRecord (or all the other DB-Mappers) use:

when in env "development" connect to the development db (localhost etc, db "project_development") when in env "test" connect to the test db (e.g. localhost etc, db "project_test")

After this there is no difference anymore in any naming, the env is not used in table names or anything else.

Same pattern for sneakers/RabbitMQ:

when in env "development" connect to the development rabbitmq (localhost etc, vhost "/project_development") when in env "test" connect to the test rabbitmq (e.g. localhost etc, vhost "/project_test")

This is how i have been using it for dozens of projects so far (mostly with, but not only, Rails) and it works like charm. Usually loading the config from an amqp.yml file (same pattern are with ActiveRecord here with database.yml), ideally there should also be a way to load it from ENV (the heroku way), but i don't need it that way:

AMQP_CONFIG ||= begin
  (YAML.load_file(::File.expand_path('../../config/amqp.yml',  __FILE__))[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development'] || {}).
  inject({}) { |memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo }

  amqp: "amqp://#{AMQP_CONFIG[:user]}:#{AMQP_CONFIG[:pass]}@#{AMQP_CONFIG[:host]}:#{AMQP_CONFIG[:port]}",
  vhost: AMQP_CONFIG[:vhost],

Maybe i'm missing something here but the different vhosts should give the different environments all the separation they need to ensure nothing ever getting mixed up. Plus each environment works identical to all the others of the same project, no magic or any additional logic needed.

jondot commented 10 years ago

I see. it sounds like a better idea indeed!

I will look into it and see how to do this transition in a non-breaking way. If it will be a breaking change then we'll use a major version bump in accordance to semver.


maxigs commented 10 years ago

Cool :-)

Currently there is another issue with publishing. The publish method uses one shared (across all threads of a worker) channel.

This works fine with only few publishes, but at high frequency a lot of them get lost (in my test about 90%) in the cross-thread noise on the channel. Here is some info from bunny on that:

jondot commented 10 years ago

Yep. I think that's an issue. I was worried about ack/nack/etc from the worker threads. In theory this is also data that gets put on the channel by many threads - in this case I was assured from one of the AMQP devs that because confirmations always fall on a single frame it should work.

The disadvantage of having a single channel per thread - is when you want to have a lot of threads (e.g. 200) per process.

In the case of publishing - perhaps we should lock on the channel and "pay" that price only in this use case.

maxigs commented 10 years ago

Channels do not have too much overhead on the RabbitMQ side (at least they claim that) and i did not have any problem with a few hundreds myself, but on the Ruby side it might add up to quite a lot unnecessary memory if someone does really not need it. The ideal solution is probably a "channel-pool" with configureable size.

Right now i'm trying one channel per thread to make sure this is the actual source of my messages getting lost.

maxigs commented 10 years ago

Correction: I had another bug that was to blame for probably all the lost publishes. Still cant confirm 100% that it works with the shared channel, but it might not even be an issue as i thought at first.

jondot commented 10 years ago

Hey Benjamin, very curious to know how it went?

jondot commented 10 years ago

Meanwhile, I've come up with a nonbreaking solution for the environmental magic here:

You're welcome to give that branch a try before it is merged.

Basically, calling Sneakers.not_environmental! should do it. It sounds a bit bad for the environment, but I love small jokes in my code :).

maxigs commented 10 years ago

So far i did not have any issues with publishing anymore, probably had a couple million items bouncing around tasks without problem. So i guess the channel issue is none.

graf commented 10 years ago

So, @ged, what about your intention to fix the issue in Publisher Recently I've faced the same bug and I need to know: Are you going to fix the last one, or I'll do it myself?

jondot commented 10 years ago

@graf-abolmasov I think its already fixed in current version :), try gem install sneakers --pre and see if it works for you.

imothee commented 10 years ago

Hi All,

I have noticed when consuming a ton of items from a queue and having them publish to another queue that I see quite a few bunny level exceptions

Unexpected error Connection-level error: UNEXPECTED_FRAME - expected content header for class 60, got non content header frame instead

From my testing it does not appear to happen when the publish is removed or commented out. I have also seen that best practices is to have one channel for consumption and one for publishing. Would it be worthwhile to have two channels in the worker and have publish use the second?

jondot commented 10 years ago

Publishing is not thread safe, and since Sneakers allows a boatload of threads, I suppose a dedicated channel wouldn't suffice. I think as a first test, you can wrap the "reply" publish logic within the worker with a mutex (you can take a look at the publisher code), and see if this keeps happening.

imothee commented 10 years ago

Wrapping the publish code in the worker in a mutex still caused the frame issues. It causes problems even under low publish load if the consumers are running quickly (as noted in the max_retry branch with the publish to error queue).

I'm not sure there is a simple solution - is there something that could be done to fix this or would the underlying format of the framework limit the use to only processing things that did work/http/some threadsafe outcome?

sharshenov commented 9 years ago

I am also getting UNEXPECTED_FRAME errors. Can you share your solutions?

maxigs commented 9 years ago

I'm just opening up a new channel in each task that i process (lazy, only when its required to publish), since those are usually bigger tasks it works ok. All on the same global process connection.

If you have a higher load you might want to think about moving the publishing into the manager to have one permanent channel, but thats a lot more complex.

sharshenov commented 9 years ago

I got rid of UNEXPECTED_FRAME errors by modifying my worker that way:

class MyWorker
  include Sneakers::Worker

  from_queue :test

  def work msg
    params = JSON.parse msg, symbolize_names: true

    result =

    publisher.publish result, to_queue: :test_callback


  def publisher
    @publisher ||=

@jondot how do you think? Should I create PR for replacing Sneakers::Worker#publish method with this two methods:

def publish *attrs
  publisher.publish *attrs

def publisher
   @publisher ||=
jondot commented 9 years ago

@sharshenov I see what you did there, I think it's smart. However please notice that on first look, you're localizing a publisher instance per process and on second look - since a worker is instantiated per message, you're also instantiating a new Publisher instance per message. It would be the same as doing

in the #work body. Is that what you need?

sharshenov commented 9 years ago

Oh. Now I see, that my workaround is an overhead. I'll implement manager as @maxigs suggested. Thank you!

jondot commented 9 years ago

Thanks guys, closing for cleanups :)

gabrieljoelc commented 9 years ago

As an aside, we use connection_pool to manage our bunny connections in la_gear but we actually do it at the publisher level (see here:

def init_pool(size = ::Sidekiq.options[:concurrency],
                     timeout = 3)
  $publisher =
    size: size,
    timeout: timeout
  ) { }

  $publisher.with do |bus|
    fail 'Bus is lost!' unless bus.is_a?(LaGear::Publisher)

where LaGear::Publisher is a subtype of Sneakers::Publisher. We push messages through our abstraction into a Sidekiq/Redis "outbox" which then actually publishes the message:

$publisher.with do |publisher|
  publisher.publish(msg, opts)
mtowers commented 8 years ago

We're seeing a similar issue with sneakers 2.2.1. However, I'm not clear on why threading would be an issue in our scenario. We pass :threads => 1 and :workers => 10 to Sneakers.configure. And we're using our own publisher implementation, which is instantiated at startup time and stored as an instance variable in a worker class implementation (ActivityWorker). See also worker module (Worker::@handler_params)

Any ideas?

jesmith17 commented 8 years ago

So there is a ton of conversation here, but still no examples of how to actually publish a message, especially when doing so outside of a worker. I plan on using Sneakers to invoke background jobs as the AMQP allows easy ways for systems outside of Ruby to publish messages. But in many cases I need to publish them myself.

I agree with the points about the flexible formats, but it would be nice to at least have an example of how to use the publisher to actually send a message from outside a worker. That's not documented anywhere and beings reading the code hasn't proved useful to me to figure it out, I am struggling with how to stay with Sneakers for this as opposed to switching to a different gem.

Can we just get a simple example of sending a message to Rabbit that a different worker can pickup and work on? You can omit the worker part, but something show how to define the exchange that you are publishing to would be helpful.

maxigs commented 8 years ago

You could also just use a different library to send messages into RabbitMQ, for queues to which sneakers is subscribed to.

I used the bunny or amqp gem for that, depending on the type of process. This triggered my initial job, and from the sneakers takes over with processing everything.

Publishing from within sneakers should already be mentioned above. I currently don't have any active project using it anymore, so i don't have a direct example to share at hand at the moment :(

jesmith17 commented 8 years ago

The only examples of publishing within sneakers were related to publishing from within a worker. But it's not clear how to actually invoke any of that from outside the worker. Especially when the worker config only uses the queue, and doesn't define the exchange (which is critical for publishing).

mtowers commented 8 years ago

We ended up following the ConnetionPool pattern described here where the pool contains instances of our custom publisher implementation. The connection pool and publisher instances are initialized in our daemon startup script, with one publisher instance per worker thread. We also have the name of our exchange available at that time as we're also using it for worker configs.

# configure the publisher pool
# publishing is NOT threadsafe so we need to allocate
# a publisher instance for each worker
# see:
publisher_pool = worker_count, timeout: 5) do
      :heartbeat  => 60,
      :host       =>,
      :password   => rmq_url.password,
      :port       => rmq_url.port,
      :user       => rmq_url.user,
      :vhost      => '/'
maxigs commented 8 years ago

@jesmith17 Do you really have a case where you need to publish from outside a worker but still within sneakers processes?

If yes, you could still follow the way i describe and use AMQP directly to publish a message going into a sneakers queue. Not really the best way, but straight forward to use.