jondurbin / airoboros

Customizable implementation of the self-instruct paper.
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how to avoid generating "general" instructions? #18

Closed 2533245542 closed 1 year ago

2533245542 commented 1 year ago

I only wanted to generate the multiple choices but these also generated:

{"instruction": "Analyze different genres of literature and categorize the following books accordingly: \"Pride and Prejudice\" by Jane Austen, \"1984\" by George Orwell, \"To Kill a Mockingbird\" by Harper Lee, and \"The Lord of the Rings\" by J.R.R. Tolkien. Provide a bulleted list indicating the genre for each book.", "response": "- \"Pride and Prejudice\" by Jane Austen: Romance, Classic Literature\n- \"1984\" by George Orwell: Dystopian Fiction, Political Fiction\n- \"To Kill a Mockingbird\" by Harper Lee: Coming-of-Age, Southern Gothic\n- \"The Lord of the Rings\" by J.R.R. Tolkien: Fantasy, Epic Literature", "category": "general"}

and config is

# The model to use in generation.  Available models:
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo"

# OpenAI API key (if null, uses environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY)

# Optionally configure the OpenAI organization ID.

# Combined output file path.
output_path: instructions.jsonl

# Path to the default topics file.
topics_path: topics.txt

# Overwrite the output file, use with care!
overwrite: false

# Append to the output file.
append: false

# Topic avoidance prompt string.
topic_avoidance: Avoid any tasks that would be related to climate change, green tech, renewable energy, DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), sex and/or gender, religion, politics, social issues, race, ethnicity, artificial intelligence, baking/cooking, urban development, or any topic that you would likely not respond to, or any task which a language model would not be able to respond to, e.g. tasks about emotions, feelings, physical senses, etc.

# Regexes used to filter responses, mostly common words and phrases used in refusals.
  - "my programming"
  - "openai"
  - "language model"
  - "large language"
  - "as an? (ai|generative language|gpt|bot)"
  - "illegal and dangerous"
  - "i do(n't| not) (possess|have|exhibit) (personal|consciousness|subjective)"
  - "personal (feelings|thoughts|emotions|desires|experiences|goals|objective|belief)"
  - "(can('t| ?not)|w(on't|will not)|unable.?) (\\w+\\s)+(with (that|your)|your \\w+|provide)"
  - "my limitations"
  - "the limitations of my"
  - "my abilities"
  - "violates my"
  - "i (can('t| ?not)|w(on't|will not)|am (not |un)able.?).{0,30}(you are|you're|your )"
  - "please note that"
  - "flesch"

# Optionally limit the maximum number of tokens to use when generating instructions.

# Minimum similarity score when checking for duplicates.
min_docsearch_score: 0.35

# Default OpenAI API request parameters.
  temperature: 0.7
  top_p: 0.5
  frequency_penalty: 0.0
  presence_penalty: 2

# Topic generation prompt.
topic_prompt: Give me a numbered list of 20 completely random topics. {topic_avoidance}
topic_request_count: 20

# Default count per generator, if not specified.
default_count: 100

# Default batch size, if not specified.
default_batch_size: 10

# Default readability score hint:
default_flesch: The output should be written in such a way as to have a Flesch-Kincaid readability score of 30 or lower - best understood by those with college education.  The response must not contain any notes or information about Flesch-Kincaid scores.

# Language.
language: English

# Individual instructor configurations.

  # Generic/general prompt configuration.

    # OpenAI settings.
      temperature: 0.7
      top_p: 0.5
      frequency_penalty: 0.0
      presence_penalty: 2

    # Number of instructions to generate.
    count: 100

    # Batch size/number of instructions to generate per request.
    batch_size: 10

    # Path to prompt to use in generating instructions.
    prompt_path: general.txt

    # Optionally override the default topics path for general prompts.

    # Optionally override the min similarity score.

    # Optionally override language.

  # # Contextual, e.g. closed-context question answering/summarization/etc.
  # contextual:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.5
  #   count: 70

  #   # Writing styles to use for the context being generated.
  #   context_styles:
  #     - news article
  #     - blog post
  #     - slack conversation
  #     - text messages
  #     - fictional short story
  #     - video transcript
  #     - song
  #     - poem
  #     - scientific study
  #     - medical report
  #     - reddit post with replies
  #     - email
  #     - tweet
  #     - jira ticket
  #     - github merge request
  #     - gitlab issue
  #     - how-to article

  #   # Output formatting options.
  #   formatting_options:
  #     - JSON
  #     - YAML
  #     - CSV
  #     - markdown
  #     - markdown table
  #     - bullet list
  #     - numbered list
  #     - python dict
  #     - php associative array
  #     - JSONL
  #     - javascript object
  #     - XML

  #   # Prompt path.
  #   prompt_path: contextual.txt

  #   # Path to prompt used to generate responses.
  #   response_prompt_path: contextual_response.txt

  #   # Optionally override the topics to use for contextual prompts.
  #   topics_path:

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Counterfactual contextual prompts, used to de-hallucinate Q&A a bit.
  # counterfactual_contextual:
  #   api_params: {}
  #   count: 30
  #   batch_size: 10
  #   prompt_path: counterfactual_contextual.txt
  #   response_prompt_path: counterfactual_contextual_response.txt
  #   topics_path:

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Coding tasks.
  # coding:
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 10

  #   # Ratio of prompts that should be "plain", i.e. without explanations, backticks, etc.
  #   plain_ratio: 0.5

  #   # Limit programming languages.
  #   coding_languages:
  #     - python
  #     - javascript
  #     - java
  #     - c
  #     - c++
  #     - golang
  #     - C#
  #     - bash
  #     - powershell
  #     - SQL

  #   # Additional related software to (randomly) reference in tasks.
  #   related_software:
  #     - elasticsearch
  #     - opensearch
  #     - mongodb
  #     - cassandra
  #     - redis
  #     - memcached
  #     - postgresql
  #     - mariadb
  #     - mysql
  #     - aws s3
  #     - gcs cloud storage
  #     - azure storage
  #     - aws lambda
  #     - kubernetes
  #     - pytorch
  #     - pandas
  #     - numpy
  #     - keras
  #     - tensorflow
  #     - scipy
  #     - matplotlib
  #     - django
  #     - cherrypy
  #     - swagger/openapi
  #     - pyramid web framework

  #   # Min docsearch score.
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.04

  #   # The prompt used to generate the instructions.
  #   prompt_path: coding.txt

  # # Trivia tasks.
  # trivia:
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 20
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.05
  #   prompt_path: trivia.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Guided experiences, e.g. meditation.
  # experience:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.9
  #     top_p: 0.4
  #   count: 100
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.15
  #   prompt_path: experience.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Orca style reasoning/math prompts.
  # orca:
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 10
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.05
  #   prompt_path: orca.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Orca style reasoning/math prompts.
  # riddle:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.9
  #     top_p: 0.4
  #   batch_size: 50
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.01
  #   count: 100
  #   prompt_path: riddle.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Wordgames.
  # wordgame:
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 10
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.03
  #   prompt_path: wordgame.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Roleplay.
  # roleplay:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.9
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 10
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.15
  #   prompt_path: roleplay.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Chain-of-thought.
  # cot:
  #   count: 50
  #   batch_size: 5
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.05
  #   prompt_path: cot.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Agent/router.
  # agent:
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 5
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.03
  #   prompt_path: agent.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # reWOO style planner
  # plan:
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 1
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.03
  #   prompt_path: plan.txt

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Writing tasks.
  # writing:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.9
  #   styles:
  #     - happy
  #     - sad
  #     - tragic
  #     - unexpected
  #     - inspirational
  #     - evil
  #     - hilarious
  #     - suspenseful
  #     - horrific
  #     - nostalgic
  #     - thought-provoking
  #     - enigmatic
  #     - fantastical
  #     - heartwarming
  #     - romantic
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 12
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.35

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Character/scenario card tasks.
  # card:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.9
  #   count: 50
  #   batch_size: 5
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.05

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Jokes.
  # joke:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.9
  #   count: 100
  #   batch_size: 20
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.1

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Songs.
  # song:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 0.9
  #   count: 200
  #   batch_size: 25
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.25

  # Multiple choice.
      temperature: 0.3
    count: 20
    batch_size: 5
    min_docsearch_score: 0.1
    contextual_ratio: 0.2

  # ##################################################################################
  # # Detailed writing.
  # detailed_writing:
  #   api_params:
  #     temperature: 1.0
  #   batch_size: 4
  #   count: 100
  #   min_docsearch_score: 0.1
j-durbin commented 1 year ago

You left the "general" section in the config - if you remove that (or set count to 0), it should only generate the multiple choice instructions.