jonesguy14 / footballcoach

Android App for playing/simulating/recruiting as a college football coach
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Bless and Curse teams in a more meaningful way #48

Open jonesguy14 opened 8 years ago

jonesguy14 commented 8 years ago

I've noticed that cursed/blessed teams don't seem to be affected greatly by the penalty/bonus.

For example lets say ALA loses 30 prestige. Now they have 65 prestige. The next year, they recruited freshman badly due to their low prestige, but still have a really good roster from years past where their prestige was 90+. So they will still win a lot of games even with the low prestige, which means they will gain a great deal of prestige for exceeding expectations. Within a couple years they are back up to 80 or more prestige, and just had one bad recruiting class. This can happen in reverse with bad teams that are blessed, where they gain a ton of prestige, fall short of expectations, lose prestige, etc.

How can we really penalize or really give a bonus to teams in a meaningful way to promote variety in which teams can become contenders? Maybe if they are blessed/cursed they aren't affected by end of year prestige changes for a couple years?

destilla commented 8 years ago

One idea: When we implement home field advantage (I didn't notice it being used in any of the equations, I could have missed it), we could also implement curse/bless disadvantage/advantage.

Your QB is now making more errant throws, the RB suddenly has fumblitis, your corner slipped on a tackle and the WR escaped for a TD (as analogies for the penalties being applied to a play's equations and what the result is)

jonesguy14 commented 8 years ago

Maybe, but I try to stay away from artificially altering the game simulation code. There is home field advantage implemented btw, its the function getHFAdv() which returns 3 if the home team has the ball and 0 if they don't. Its used for completion percentage, pass pressure, and more.

destilla commented 8 years ago

I saw the getHFAdv(), truthfully a lot of the equations for figuring out who "wins" a play made my eyes glaze over, so at the time I stuck to what I knew. I think I just didn't explicitly check to see where it was implemented and so I missed it.

An idea I had for cursing teams is to set up what is essentially a counter. After losing prestige from a curse, basically have a variable that decrements by one with each advance season. Until that variable is 0, the if statement that gives the team a chance to recruit higher star recruits isn't available to them. Maybe the chance to recruit one star lower is higher too? Maybe that's too aggressive, idk.

Anyway my thinking is that right now the prestige loss happens, they recruit slightly worse but probably still have studs, so they're set back a little a few years down the road when their current roster is gone, but otherwise they're still pretty solid. Having the recruiting impacted for say, 3 years, means that the majority of your roster is going to be made up of players that are significantly less talented than what you had when you were cursed.

What this doesn't address is having an immediate impact on the team. Their roster is still their roster. Is there a way around that without directly modifying the roster or directly influencing their games? I can't think of any right now.

jonesguy14 commented 8 years ago

Yeah I like the counter idea, but like you said not sure there is a way to immediately make the team significantly worse. But that's not necessarily a bad thing as long as eventually they get worse, just like in the reverse case where bad teams eventually get better.

So we could have a counter that makes it so that they can't gain prestige for X amount of years, so that they are guaranteed to have X bad recruiting classes like you were saying.