jongan69 / Redbubble_Uploader

A Selenium ChromeDriver Script for automatically uploading art and memes alike to Redbubble as merch
9 stars 2 forks source link

This would be the Feature just giving a sugesstion #9

Open yazhamuthan-aruchamy opened 1 year ago

yazhamuthan-aruchamy commented 1 year ago

You can use the CSV file to upload this gone there is go CSV file is having, if the users just give the CSV file then it can read the CSV and upload automatically in there.

Also we to bypass the clouflare some time we can use the loop to click on continues there

jongan69 commented 10 months ago

Are you aware of a fix for the Cloudflare issue? I'd love some help on this if you do, otherwise this code is unusable at present.