jongfeelkim-VIRNECT / STT-Hololens

Unity translation app using Google Cloud Speech-to-Text on Hololens
MIT License
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Audio encoding #2

Closed jongfeelkim-VIRNECT closed 4 years ago

jongfeelkim-VIRNECT commented 4 years ago

Supported audio encoding, not include wav.

Use flac or mp3 (optional config)

Convert audio data

In Unity

jongfeelkim-VIRNECT commented 4 years ago

Using client library test


public class QuickStart
        // The name of the local audio file to transcribe
        public static string DEMO_FILE = "../resources/commercial_mono.wav";
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var speech = SpeechClient.Create();
            var response = speech.Recognize(new RecognitionConfig()
                //Encoding = RecognitionConfig.Types.AudioEncoding.Flac,
                //SampleRateHertz = 16000,
                LanguageCode = "en",
            }, RecognitionAudio.FromFile(DEMO_FILE));
            foreach (var result in response.Results)
                foreach (var alternative in result.Alternatives)
jongfeelkim-VIRNECT commented 4 years ago

So, Audio encoding in Unity plan is...

jongfeelkim-VIRNECT commented 4 years ago

Microphone record start set up 16000 sampling rate. Record to AudioSource.AudioClip and then save file to wav format.

audioSource.clip = Microphone.Start(microphoneDevice, true, 20, 16000);

To save file, use SavWav open source from gist.

It is convert from AudioClip to wav file.

QuickStart demo test from recorded wav file The saved file voice is "고려은단 비타민C" and translate to korean.


jongfeelkim-VIRNECT commented 4 years ago

Open .wav file and read byte arrays. then convert from byte array to Base64Encoding string.

C# Convert class

jongfeelkim-VIRNECT commented 4 years ago

Base64Decode method