jonhoo / tracing-timing

Inter-event timing metrics on top of tracing.
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The current starting experience is not user friendly #17

Open Stargateur opened 2 years ago

Stargateur commented 2 years ago

The crate does not implement a mechanism for recording the resulting histograms. Instead, you can implement this as you see fit using TimingSubscriber::with_histograms.

From my point of view of total noob of this crate, this is very harsh for new user to say "do it yourself", specially:

It gives you access to the histograms for all groups. Note that you must call refresh() on each histogram to see its latest values (see hdrhistogram::SyncHistogram). Note that calling refresh() will block until the next event is posted, so you may want TimingSubscriber::force_synchronize instead.

Look like it's easy to mess up. While I understand the point of not implement any form of output I think have a "Q&D" way build-in would be a big plus. I think having a simple Debug alternative implementation would be nice to have, something that is not guarantee to not change but still allow to not deal with code, you ask user to downcast and manipulate very low level api here.

denosaurtrain commented 1 year ago

When I first used this library a few months ago, I somehow managed to deadlock on both refresh() and refresh_timeout(). There is a bug there for sure, but when I went to fix it, I realized that I completely failed to grok the purpose of this library: I expected a histogram of span timings, rather than a histogram of time between events. (Completely my fault for failing to read the docs closely.)

Is there a downside to creating nested spans that I'm not seeing? Is there another crate that already supports this?

That is, why this...

trace_span!("request").in_scope(|| {

...instead of this...

trace_span!("request").in_scope(|| {
    trace_span!("fast").in_scope(|| std::thread::sleep(fast));
    trace_span!("slow").in_scope(|| std::thread::sleep(slow));

For trace/debug-level functions instrumented with tracing-attributes, I often want a subscriber/layer that exposes a histogram of the functions' execution time rather than logging each execution. When I need more granular timings, I create more spans or instrument more functions. I have my own subscriber/layer mechanism that kinda/sorta works, but I'm curious how others are doing it, and whether that fits into this crate or something else.

akshayknarayan commented 1 year ago

@denosaurtrain you may find the following two configuration options useful:

jonhoo commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the silence here — tracing-timing is a bit on the backburner at the moment. I would love for the starting experience to be better, though have limited time at the moment to make that happen myself (sadly). If any of you want to take a stab at adding a impl Debug, extending the examples, and maybe even making the interface harder to get wrong (especially with regards to deadlocks, which are a pain), I would be happy to take a look at some PRs!