jonhoo / volley

Volley is a benchmarking tool for measuring the performance of server networking stacks.
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Benchmarking with a large number of clients #14

Open cep21 opened 9 years ago

cep21 commented 9 years ago

I wonder how the goroutine/thread benchmarks compare when there are a very large number of clients. It's reasonable for a production server to handle 2,000 up to 20,000 clients at once. When the number of clients is extreme large, especially at the 20,000 range, how do the various benchmarks compare?

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

I'd love to benchmark this, but the problem is that I don't have thousands of cores lying around. At some point, all the cores dedicated to the clients will be saturated, at which point adding more clients won't actually make a difference (if anything, the performance might decrease due to context switching). I also can't move to using multiple machines, because these rates can often not be sustained over anything but loopback (mostly because the kernel can't saturate the NICs).

cep21 commented 9 years ago

I suppose one option is that the client becomes non blocking and each client sends on multiple open connections. My goal would be to see if there is a use case where lighter goroutines match up better to threads (maybe there isn't).

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure making the client non-blocking would actually make a difference. The packets would still need to be enqueued, so you'll still incur the performance overhead of a syscall per send and per receive, and those syscalls are where the clients are spending a majority of their time anyway.

I completely agree that this would be interesting for many reasons -- benchmarking thread-per-client vs a worker pool when there are many clients for example -- but I don't know how to do that in a way that will yield relevant results. My research group might be getting a 144 core machine, and with that I should be able to push the number of clients slightly higher, but unless you've got some spare 2000-core server lying around, getting higher numbers will be challenging.

diegobernardes commented 9 years ago

This would be a really nice test too, the first tests you built can test the raw network speed, while tests with massive ammount of clients can test the nonblocking-io features.

You don't need 1 thread per connection, this is why rust has mio, c has epool and golang has this feature native.

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

Again, I'm not sure non-blocking I/O will actually make a difference here. At some point, all the client cores will be saturated, and the performance cannot increase regardless of how many clients you stripe across those cores.

cep21 commented 9 years ago

My perspective would not be about gaining a performance increase, but measuring the language with the least performance decrease.

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

Ah, I see. Yes, that could work. I suspect what we'll see is that any solution using epoll will have a fairly negligible performance decrease, whereas the ones using a thread-per-client will drop drastically due to scheduling overhead. Worker pools will likely be somewhere in between.

I'll try to run experiments with 2000 and 20000 clients tomorrow.

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

@cep21 so how about I instead run a benchmark with log(number of clients) on the x-axis, performance on the y-axis, and then plot a separate graph for, say, 1, 10, 20, and 40 cores? That way, you'll see the trend clearly, and also how much the number of cores affect it. I can run that with 40 (one per client CPU), 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, and 20480 clients for example?

cep21 commented 9 years ago

That seems reasonable.

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

:+1: I'll run the benchmark as soon as the 80-core machine is available, and then post them here.

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

Hmm, that's strange. With a large number of clients, I'm seeing a large number of ETIMEDOUT and ECONNRESET errors from the clients, so the test never actually completes correctly. It seems like the server is overwhelmed trying to accept connections. The way to fix this is probably to have multiple threads accepting connections, but this requires non-trivial changes to every server. Alternatively, I could have the clients retry connecting to the server indefinitely, though that becomes problematic if the server crashes.. I'm open to suggestions.

cep21 commented 9 years ago

Do all servers equally misbehave? I'm curious where that breaking point is.

cep21 commented 9 years ago

Another option is to increase the timeout on the client side?

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

Interestingly, no, it only seems to be happening for c-threaded. I wonder why -- it doesn't do anything special compared to, say, the Rust implementation, as far as I'm aware.

Well, it's kind of weird, because the default timeout in Linux for connect is 20 seconds, and I'm seeing timeouts failing long before 20 seconds have passed. This suggests that something else is going on, but I'm not quite sure what..

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

Ugh, for many of the tests, the majority of testing time are now simply waiting for all the client threads to connect :confused: Since accept is only called from a single thread, this takes forever. I think we'll have to implement multi-threaded accept for all the servers before it is even feasible to run this benchmark with > 10000 clients.

jonhoo commented 9 years ago

Results for up to 5k clients with all implementations except c-threaded: many clients (box titles denote number of cores)