jonhoranic / theGraveyard

Here is where the Graveyard archiving project begins! Welcome to everyone wishing to contribute.
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Settling the Project's Main Focus #1

Open jonhoranic opened 7 years ago

jonhoranic commented 7 years ago

Time to develop a specific research question!

Hello, everyone! This is going to be the first issue I put up on the issues board. We want to have a concise research question to start this project with, because no doubt this has potential to grow much further then what has already been discussed. Here we are going to attempt to narrow down our starting points, I will leave this open for discussion.

Here is a copy of the original proposal: Alright! In order to fully conceptulize this idea I have going, humor this post by following this bit of a journey I went through.

Storytime: After looking at the Digital Archive and Pacific Cultures site I had an idea to take other types of obscure records and compile them. However what records to chose from was a bit of a conundrum, and after sitting through some of the examples of Wednesday's class I shot an idea to Pat about gathering obituaries. It did not feel like a specific enough project thesis until I spent some time stewing over it-by procrastinating on YouTube! Now, I am going to have to admit this to move forward, but I watch some pretty dark videos on YouTube. Before you get any ideas! Here are some content creators in the gene of "dark matters" that I enjoy watching for deep and sometimes disturbing content: Rob Dyke and Cayleigh Elise I was browsing through wracking my brain what to do and then, suddenly, in the middle of watching one of Cayleigh's videos she mentioned a grave search tool that allows people to locate specific gravestones near them. A little buzzer went off in my head, why not do something similar but instead of just locating a spot, why not dig deeper like these videos do?

Actual Proposal: Sorry for not getting to the point, but here it is: I would like to archive grave maps and obituaries from a local cemetery and with a web interface link them together visually. Something to the effect of hovering over a spot on a plot map that can be selected that brings up and overview of the person (perhaps a photo if one is on record and some background info of their life.) and include links to various obituaries and/or gathered mentions/letters/eulogies/works/headlines/etc. (permissions to use these may come into play, I am rather uncertain but am willing to work that out.). What I am most intrigued by is the aspect of the statistical charts, I would like to propose a timeline map of the individuals from conception of the graveyard to a present time on a line graph or calendar map. Perhaps give a brief summery of the history, mention any newsworthy or lasting legends of the whole site or just on a smaller section. The biggest thing I want to suggest for this is to have a cause of death correlation field; display a year and chart out separate cases to find patterns or link correlations to a timeline such as outbreaks or a rise in a certain conditions. Overall, it is a slightly morbid dip into the ever too often dismissed realm of the deceased, there is plenty to gain from the stories of their lives and the information they can leave behind unknowingly.

In Short: This project sets out to look into the information surrounding graveyards

  1. Select and describe local graveyard(s) histories.
  2. Create an archive that links grave sites to their respective documentation (obituary/other written passages/events/etc).
  3. Note any legends, events, and/or occurrences.
  4. Provide a reasonable timeline, up to a modern date, showing the progression and additions over time.
  5. Create charts or graphs that study the relationships and commonalities of the "cause of death" to visualize periods of epidemics, health changes, averages of certain deaths, etc.

If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on the proposal I would be interested to see what can be added or tweaked. This is just a work in progress kind of idea so I would love any and all critique!

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

Something I though we could add to this project would be to track birth years and death years and create graphs for each year and the amount of people born/ died and look to see if there are increases in births/deaths in a certain year and why that might be, perhaps a correlation with cause of death.

jonhoranic commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan Sounds good to me, we can put that on the list of additions. I still wonder where we should focus our efforts, perhaps the overhead map that links individual stone to their respective collected information would be our starting place? Let me know what you and @JaredKramer40 think.