jonhoranic / theGraveyard

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ssi #29

Open laurenmcguigan opened 7 years ago

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

@ebeshero @RJP43 @JaredKramer40

Hey everyone, the ssi on my new bar graph page isn't working. When I view the page source it is outputting as a comment... Anyone know how to fix this?

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

its called ageGraphOutput.html

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan Did you check the permissions on the Apache server on your new bar graph page? They should be: rwxrwxr-x

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

@ebeshero it's showing now, but it's not clickable...

JaredKramer40 commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan The graph might need to be moved down a little. That happened to me and I just needed to move the graph down the page.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan @JaredKramer40 Yes, I think you're right, Jared! Also I bet the problem now is about the clever CSS positioning we used with percentages to position the table. I notice in your CSS that you've positioned the drop-down menus to pop up based on percentage values. Lauren and I did the same thing earlier this evening with positioning the table in relation to the SVG graph. That may not be a problem, actually. z-index might be hiding the drop-down menus(?) One of these needs to be able to drop-down over top of where the table is sitting, I think.

z-index is a CSS value that indicates what to do when elements overlap: which one is to appear on top, etc. Typically we adjust that with opacity values, too--if something drops down overtop of a page element like a table, you can make the dropdown be a little translucent so you can see a little of what's behind it...

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

I just moved it! I will push it to the site as soon as I add the explanation!

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

alright it's up. Just still having issues with the drop down bar.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan @JaredKramer40 I am just looking on my iPad right now, but I think the drop-down menus may not be working on the other graph pages either. This will be to do with their sharing space on the page with the graphs--it's a common problem on projects like ours. I bet it'll be a problem on Jon's image map page too. I notice it's not a problem on the Dickinson team website's menus from last year, so let's take a look at their CSS on a graph page and see if we can apply what they did: Take a look:

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

@ebeshero @JaredKramer40 The line graph on our page is working though.. Also, I think someone had a merge conflict on my graph, the page is all messed up now.

JaredKramer40 commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan Yeah I'm so sorry that was me, I'm not sure what I did.

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

@JaredKramer40 no problem, let me try and fix it!

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Yep...that's a merge conflict: you can see the "tire tracks" at the top of the page. @JaredKramer40 if it's in conflict on your computer, it's going to require you to open the page and edit the parts that GitHub has marked as a conflict. The marks are strong and clear, and you delete them as soon as you resolve the areas in conflict. I think you and Lauren might be editing some of the same parts of the files...

JaredKramer40 commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan @ebeshero Yeah that's what happened. I won't touch it!

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

Just fixed it! Let me push my changes and then you can pull them in.

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

okay, try pulling them in.

JaredKramer40 commented 7 years ago

I pulled them!

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

okay, so there are some issues with the menu file. It has red oxygen. I am trying to fix it but Im a bit confused. Maybe that is what is causing the error. Ill push my changes if someone else wants to take a look at it.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan Remember, the SSI part (menu file) is supposed to be just a snip of code, not a complete HTML file, so oXygen will be red over that. It's okay, bc the SSI just fits onto the page anyway: when it's included on a page the page should be fine!

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan I'll go take a look--I think the menu itself was okay, and the issues are probably in the CSS!

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@laurenmcguigan @JaredKramer40 Your old SSI menu.shtml file was fine, so I just restored it! I also had a look at your about.html page on the w3c Validator, and it turned up a couple of little easy-to-fix errors. We need to remove the line that starts <?xml... from the very top of of the HTML files, and add a couple of things to the opening elements. Here's what the very top should look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"> 
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>

I'm changing this on just the about.html page (the only one I checked), but you can copy it into the other files, too.