jonhoranic / theGraveyard

Here is where the Graveyard archiving project begins! Welcome to everyone wishing to contribute.
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Which Brush Creek? Meet on site on Mon. 10/17 (Fall Break)? #8

Open ebeshero opened 7 years ago

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@jonhoranic @JaredKramer40 @laurenmcguigan I just had a phone call this afternoon from a woman named Sheila who works at the Brush Creek Cemetery on Altar Lane / Brush Creek Road in Irwin. She phoned in response to our inquiries last Friday. I explained something of the project to her. She says if you want to visit the cemetery to do some reconnoissance work, she'd appreciate your doing so while she's in the office on Monday through Thursday from 10am to 3pm--and I took that as an opportunity to inquire whether she might help us organize a meeting perhaps on Monday of Fall Break (if any of you might be available): Monday 10/17. I asked if possibly they could find someone who'd walk you/us through the graveyard to tell you more about particular areas of it, and she said she'd investigate.

I don't know if she's at the right Brush Creek Cemetery, though. So first of all, Jon, is this the right one? I told her we'd get back in touch if we'd like to organize something! If this is the right cemetery, let's see if we can coordinate schedules for a group meeting on site with (I hope) some local guidance.

laurenmcguigan commented 7 years ago

Hi Dr. B. Thanks for doing this. I actually will still be in LA on Monday, well on my way home anyway.

jonhoranic commented 7 years ago

@ebeshero Yes, that is the correct one! I am going to push a folder with some overview info for the site. It will act as a reference to help outside viewers (and ourselves) make the distinction. It should have some snips of the Google Maps overheads, and I will include a link to the in browser result page too.

As for planing this out, I will try to talk with @laurenmcguigan and @JaredKramer40 and see what we can work out (if at all possible) on site meetings (together or separately). If you could email that contact information over to me as well I would like to see if this is one of the contacts my family knows, for we are still digging through old stacks of paper notes to try to find our copies.

I will also update if we find any of the old Shrum records hidden in our attic. If there is any documents with proper historical merit that link to the cemetery I will be sure to include them in our archiving efforts.

Edit 1 (10:12:2016 - 8:24AM) Pushed the files to the repository. Added the link in #6 of the issues board. May add more files to the Overview folder as time goes on.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@jonhoranic Check your Pitt e-mail--I copied you on the message I forwarded her, so you'll have the right e-mail address. (The one on their website is outdated.) Her name is Sheila Rothwell. I scribbled her phone number on a piece of paper regrettably in my office, but I think it's probably the same as the one on the site.