jonjomckay / fritter

A privacy-friendly Twitter frontend for mobile devices
MIT License
1.38k stars 80 forks source link

Unable to import account and tweet #775

Open Pankaj1947 opened 4 months ago

Pankaj1947 commented 4 months ago

Screenshot_2024-02-14-10-32-28-290_org ca squawker

Please search for similar issues first, and also make sure you've tried the latest version of Fritter first, as the F-Droid version is sometimes out of date!

Describe the bug A clear description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. See error

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device Your device model, OS version, device locale/language and Fritter version. Please supply the actual version of Fritter being used, and do not just write "latest version" or similar, as this changes constantly.

TheHCJ commented 2 months ago

Hey this isn't a fritter issue, you need to report it to Squawker instead