jonkwheeler / ScrollScene

ScrollScene is an extra layer on top of ScrollMagic as well as using IntersectionObserver to achieve similar effects.
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ReferenceError: require is not defined #18

Closed niklasgrewe closed 4 years ago

niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

Hi, i am using ScrollScene with Svelte and Sapper in a NodeJS Environment like this:

//my svelte component
   import { onMount } from 'svelte'
   import { ScrollScene } from 'scrollscene'
   import { gsap } from 'gsap'

   onMount(() => {
        const myTimeline = gsap.timeline({ paused: true })
        const domNode = document.querySelector('#element')
        const scrollTrigger = document.querySelector('.scroll-trigger-01')
, {
            x: -200,
            duration: 1,
            ease: 'power2.out',

           const scrollScene = new ScrollScene({
           triggerElement: scrollTrigger,
           gsap: {
             timeline: tl,
             reverseSpeed: 4,

But i always get the error: ReferenceError: require is not defined

How can i solve this? What do i need to do?

jonkwheeler commented 4 years ago

I've only used Svelte a few times. I'm not totally sure, but there's other people having this issue as well. See if doing this works?

niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

@jonkwheeler thanks for sharing, but my clients rollup is already set to browser: true. I am still get this error...

i am using your repo, because when i am using the repo scrollmagic-plugin-gsap i get this error:

Do you have any idea how I can solve this?

niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

@jonkwheeler Sapper can also be used with Webpack... could it work with that?

jonkwheeler commented 4 years ago

It works with Webpack, I know this since I use Next.js and that uses Webpack.

I don't write Svelte so I don't know but maybe try doing something with this...

onMount(async () => {
  const module = await import("scrollscene");
  ScrollScene = module.ScrollScene;
niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

@jonkwheeler update: the bug seems to be related to rollupjs and your code doesn't work for me in Svelte

I have now got it working with the plugin scrollmagic-plugin-gsap, but with gsap 2, because otherwise I always get the warning: "Tween was overwritten by another"

would you still recommend the plugin scrollmagic-plugin-gsap? After all, you've been working on it, as I've seen... or what should I do now?

jonkwheeler commented 4 years ago

There's no need to use scrollmagic-plugin-gsap if you're going to use this library. The whole point of this library is to combat the issue of using gsap with scrollmagic in a more modern (ESM) environment 🤟. This library is also compatible with both Gsap 2 and 3. I'd recommend removing scrollmagic-plugin-gsap, as you shouldn't need it.

niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

@jonkwheeler ok thank you for your answer. I already understood that I should only use either this or the other library. But the question I am asking myself is: Which library should I use in Svelte?

Short summary: scrollmagic-plugin-gsap works with GSAP2, also with GSAP3. But when i use GSAP3 i always get an error on console: Tween was overwritten by another - it seems GSAP3 does not work properly with the library...

This Library works with GSAP3, but is not working for me in Svelte, because rollupjs have Problems with the require statement.

So should i take the time to get this library running under Svelte after all? Or should I rather use scrollmagic-plugin-gsap with GSAP2?

jonkwheeler commented 4 years ago

I have nothing to do with scrollmagic-plugin-gsap (you mentioned I was working on it, but I never have), so I can't answer that question.

niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

@jonkwheeler ok thanks for your answer... so I have now decided to use this library. Can you help me make it work with rollupjs? I have already created an error in the rollup repo, but I don't get any helpful feedback. At stackoverflow, i have also already left a question, but without an answer.

As it seems, the file /dist/esm/scrollmagic-with-ssr.js is causing problems. The commonjs plugin cannot handle the require statement correctly:

var detect = require('is-client')
var scrollmagic = undefined
if (detect()) {
  scrollmagic = require('scrollmagic')

export default scrollmagic

Unfortunately a Sapper developer did not find a workaround here. Could you take a look at my test repo, after all you developed this library... You would really help me a lot with this...


also i found out the following... the error occurs only in thedist/esm/ folder, not in the dist/commonjs/ folder - is there a possibility that only the commonjs version is loaded? apparently rollup can not handle the esm version

niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

it works in webpack 👍 but unfortunately not in rollupjs

jonkwheeler commented 4 years ago

I wish I could help more on this 😕 but it does seem it's not an issue with this library. I read on one thread it could be rollup config using a CJS parser on the ESM branch... Have you tried just importing the CJS build? You could import scrollscene/dist/commonjs and that would bypass any ESM code.

niklasgrewe commented 4 years ago

@jonkwheeler i imported the library like this:

import ScrollScene from 'scrollscene/dist/commonjs'
import { gsap } from 'gsap'

onMount(() => {
    const myTimeline = gsap.timeline({ paused: true });, {
        x: -200,
        duration: 1

    const scrollScene = new ScrollScene({
        offset: 0,
        duration: 100,
        gsap: {
            timeline: myTimeline

I get not the require issue, but this error on console:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: ScrollScene.Scene is not a constructor

Can we solve this?

And when i try to import the library like this:

import { ScrollScene } from 'scrollscene/dist/commonjs'

i get the error:

'ScrollScene' is not exported by node_modules/scrollscene/dist/commonjs/index.js
jonkwheeler commented 4 years ago

Strange workaround, but what if...

import scrollsceneLibrary from 'scrollscene/dist/commonjs'


const scrollScene = new scrollsceneLibrary.ScrollScene


Regardless, I don't love this because this won't Tree Shake, which is super beneficial. Maybe sticking with Webpack 7+ is the right call.

davidwebca commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same problem right now and the issue comes from Scrollscene.js. It imports "scrollmagic-with-ssr" which uses "require" all the time instead of using esm imports. Can I ask why that is? It must be to alleviate some other issue during building time, but I can't quite grasp why.

jonkwheeler commented 2 years ago

It's a copy pasta from this file:

What's your setup?

p.s. This library is getting gutted in the future, but I just don't have time right now.

davidwebca commented 2 years ago

I just migrated from a webpack setup to a vite.js setup so my guess is that commonjs isn't supported or we can't mix and match. I ended up fixing the issue by replicating the file by using es6 imports!