Closed NasKadir123 closed 4 years ago
Yeah, that's accurate. That's how ScrollMagic works.
If you want the scene length to match the element height, you need to calc and provide that. Try using
If you want to learn more on ScrollMagic, I like Petr's courses.
p.s. I did not create ScrollMagic, just this layer on top of it.
Yeah, that's accurate. That's how ScrollMagic works.
For example "100%" will keep the duration always exactly at the inner height of the scroll container.
This line in scrollMagic docs confused me. Thanks for your answer!
Ah, I see what you mean...
ScrollMagic has the ability to change the container...
So in your case, you want a unique controller. What you want to do is setup a new controller.
const scrollScene = new ScrollScene({
useGlobalController: false,
controller: {
container: domNode
and at this point you're using a local controller, and you should be able to pass a different container to that... let me know if that works. If not, I might need to add some code to help out.
@jonkwheeler not sure, that I have enough knowledge what you mean, I've just started to use scrollMagic, you mean make this:
const scrollScene = new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: domNode,
useGlobalController: false,
controller: {
container: domNode
duration: "100%",
gsap: {
timeline: tl,
scrollScene.Scene.addIndicators({ name: 'pin scene', colorEnd: 'yellow' })
and check if is it working, right?
Yeah, see if that works. That should set the controller to use domNode
versus window
Yeah, see if that works. That should set the controller to use
19:57:32:587 (ScrollMagic.Scene) -> ERROR: Invalid value for option "offset": NaN ScrollMagic.js:2647
log ScrollMagic.js:2647
_log ScrollMagic.js:1211
validateOption ScrollMagic.js:1680
validateOption ScrollMagic.js:1669
construct ScrollMagic.js:835
Scene ScrollMagic.js:2409
Scene ScrollMagic.js:2491
ScrollScene ScrollScene.js:161
js script.js:25
Webpack 5
I'm getting this error, but indicators are correct, animation is at the end of timeline.
Remove the gsap stuff for now and just see if firing an event or className toggle works. Seems like ScrollMagic is unable to set the container correctly.
@jonkwheeler No, it doesn't work, trigger pin scene is static and has the same level with end pin scene. Element has new class, but it doesn't change on scroll.
Anyway you can provide code. I might be able to debug this at some point shortly.
import { ScrollScene, addIndicators } from 'scrollscene';
const domNode = document.querySelector('.test')
const anotherDomNode = document.querySelector('.test .card')
const scrollScene = new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: domNode,
useGlobalController: false,
controller: {
container: domNode
toggle: {
element: anotherDomNode,
className: 'turn-blue',
duration: "100%"
scrollScene.Scene.addIndicators({ name: 'pin scene', colorEnd: 'yellow' })
Alright, I'm able to replicate, which is good! Easier to debug...
@NasKadir123 I def get this error, but I'm not sure it's an error. The ScrollMagic container on the controller is the element you want to add scroll tracking to. In your case, it's different, you want scroll tracking on the window still, but the duration to be height of the element. I think I should add a feature to make the duration match the element of choice, but I'll need a bit to update that.
In the meantime, any chance you could set the duration as a breakpoint and semi-match the css?
You can do
const scrollScene = new ScrollScene({
duration: { 0: '50%', 768: '100%, 1440: 500 },
and this will update the length of the scene based on the mobile-first breakpoints you set.
I released a new update! It's pretty dope. You can now set the duration
as an HTMLElement, and now the scene will last the length of that element.
Check out the code here:
const scrollScene = new ScrollScene({
toggle: {
element: containerElement,
className: "turn-blue",
reverse: true,
triggerHook: 0.25,
duration: triggerElement,
Hi! First of all, thanks for this great plugin!!!
I've got an issue when using ScrollScene with duration:
So indicators shows start and end of the duration, which is not the height of the container (900px), it's the height of viewport (640px).
Am I doing something wrong? Can you help me, please?