jonlab / NewAtlantis
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Helps set to the ear #12

Open jonlab opened 8 years ago

jonlab commented 8 years ago

Helps (Earing helps in Bacon's text) could be implemented as special kind of "Tools" that could change perception. The user is able to select a help and activate / unactivate it. Bacon : "We have certain helps which set to the ear do further the hearing greatly." To be discussed : -are the activated helps visible somewhere ?

rolandcahen commented 8 years ago

They are tools. They may be visible on the avatar

jonlab commented 8 years ago

Question : can sonification devices be considered as helps ? For example, a geiger counter or a headphone transforming electromagnetic waves to audio.

rolandcahen commented 8 years ago

I would define HELPS as all devices attached to the AVATAR influencing the sound rendering of the world AudioSources. In short = sound effects. They would be different from actuators or sound triggers which activate the sound on specific AudioSources. Your examples are right in the middle in an intermediary zone. One more reason to merge the two categories. We may file the TOOLS between these two poles. ACTIVATORS < - - - - - - - -> HELPS ...

On 07 Dec 2015, at 20:12, Jonathan Tanant wrote:

Question : can sonification devices be considered as helps ? For example, a geiger counter or a headphone transforming electromagnetic waves to audio.

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jonlab commented 8 years ago

"influencing sound rendering of the world", OK. But what about "turns something that is not sound into sound" ? (Sonification)

petesinc commented 8 years ago

Sonification sounds like a nice project (colour to filter for instance) but maybe later. Otherwise as metined in post about litsener psoition maybe helps could also be considered as different types of microphones which are attached to the avatar even when in third person.