jonlab / NewAtlantis
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Deactivate/activate GameObject on trigger/collider #34

Open rolandcahen opened 8 years ago

rolandcahen commented 8 years ago

I think we would need a script to activate /deactivate GO /or components. This would allow lots of various features. For example: turning on lights when entering a room and off when leaving, a sound effect, etc. At first, we could add the scrip in a parent GameObject to activate/ deactivate a child GameObject.

jonlab commented 8 years ago

Maybe activate/deactivate GameObjects would not be the best choice as in the context of Network synchronization, there is a side effect : once the object is deactivated, this is not synchronized anymore (all the scripts, including the NetworkView) are not running anymore. But we can deal with Components : turn on/off components (lights, renderer, ...).