jonlab / NewAtlantis
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Crash after fall from the ENSCI platform #46

Closed sachaamm closed 7 years ago

sachaamm commented 8 years ago

Hi , sorry to point out another crash scenario from my side , but after downloaded the ENSCI space and falls from the start platform, I got crash from the NA client ( application exit with an system error message ) In the crash output log i got this last 3 lines : 0x014D279E (NA_App_Windows) [f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crt0.c:275] __tmainCRTStartup 0x7730337A (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk 0x77949882 (ntdll) RtlInitializeExceptionChain

Why the application is trying to get access from f:/ ? What is f:/ ? Maybe my graphic card ?


jonlab commented 8 years ago

Are you able to reproduce ?

sachaamm commented 8 years ago

yes , it's happening everytime

jonlab commented 8 years ago

always when you fall from the platform ? If you don't, does it crash ? Could you post another log ? From what I can see, it seems to be something in the rendering : 0x010C5490 (NA_App_Windows) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\shaders\shader.cpp:318] Shader::GetActiveSubShaderIndex 0x00ED0BE0 (NA_App_Windows) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\camera\shadows.cpp:1317] PrepareShadowMapsJob 0x00F2C27B (NA_App_Windows) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\jobs\internal\jobqueue.cpp:338] JobQueue::Exec 0x00F2B900 (NA_App_Windows) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\jobs\internal\jobqueue.cpp:441] JobQueue::Steal 0x00F2C55A (NA_App_Windows) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\jobs\internal\jobqueue.cpp:1170] JobQueue::WaitForJobGroup 0x00F2B23C (NA_App_Windows) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\jobs\jobs.cpp:27] CompleteFenceInternal 0x00ED2E02 (NA_App_Windows) [c:\buildslave\unity\build\runtime\camera\shadows.cpp:1770] RenderShadowMaps

jonlab commented 8 years ago

(this is crashing in Unity so apart from trying to understand and avoid the cause, we cannot fix anything)