jonlab / NewAtlantis
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submodule error when cloning #51

Closed benchang02 closed 8 years ago

benchang02 commented 8 years ago

Just did a fresh clone and got this odd error:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree submodule update --init --recursive 
No submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path 'NewAtlantis'

then in Unity I get this compiler errors:

Removing Assets/NewAtlantis/Users/Scripts/alex_scripts because the asset does not exist

and the same for Scripts/alexandre, Characters/PhysicsMaterials and Characters/ThirdPersonCharacter.

benchang02 commented 8 years ago

Still the same git error when pulling. In Unity the errors are gone because the files/directories have been deleted. Seems like it had a .meta file for those files but not the files themselves? But are those files supposed to be there?

sachaamm commented 8 years ago

Ok , Are you able to load the scene ? I tried a git clone which was succesful , you use a github client ?

sachaamm commented 8 years ago

or you use git in a terminal ?

sachaamm commented 8 years ago

No theses files are not supposed to be there .

benchang02 commented 8 years ago

ok, should be fine then. But it's strange, I get three top-level directories: Images, NewAtlantis, and NewAtlantisUnity. "NewAtlantisUnity" has all the source, but "NewAtlantis" is empty although I see commit messages referring to things being in there. looking at the github site in a web browser,that directory has a gray icon that I don't recognize, and I can't go into it - any idea what's going on with it?

sachaamm commented 8 years ago

Yes , SORRY Ben ! It was a git submodule .. Now it's fix :)

sachaamm commented 8 years ago

It was a recursive problem , the repository was cloning content into a submodule (itself)