jonlives / knife-spork

A workflow plugin to help many devs work with cookbooks and environments at once
335 stars 97 forks source link

name is required for cookbook metadata starting in 12 #161

Closed jaym closed 9 years ago

jaym commented 10 years ago
Failure/Error: knife.instance_variable_set(:@cookbooks, knife.load_cookbooks(argv))
       Cookbook loaded at path(s) [/tmp/knife-spork20141205-6179-55hr04/cookbooks/example] has invalid metadata: The `name' attribute is required in cookbook metadata
     # ./lib/knife-spork/runner.rb:171:in `load_from_chef'
     # ./lib/knife-spork/runner.rb:164:in `load_cookbook'
     # ./lib/knife-spork/runner.rb:203:in `block in load_cookbooks'
     # ./lib/knife-spork/runner.rb:203:in `collect'
     # ./lib/knife-spork/runner.rb:203:in `load_cookbooks'
     # ./spec/unit/spork_upload_spec.rb:39:in `block (3 levels) in <module:KnifeSpork>'