Open da2x opened 9 years ago
I think this might be appropriate as a feature in redshift-gtk. Is there a unified way of registering for these keyboard events through Gtk or does it depend on the desktop environment?
pkill -USR1 '^redshift$'
toggles redshift on and off. You should be able to set up xbindkeys to run that command when the key is pressed.
The pkill
command above didn't work for me. I ended up assigning two different keyword shortcuts (Using All Settings --> Keyboard --> Shorcuts
on Ubuntu 16):
xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 1
redshift -O 3500
I'm a linux noob though - maybe there's an easier way.
I'd also be interested in this. Specifically some sort of command line argument to toggle between day and night. Something like redshift -T
Implemented like this, you could bind a key to execute that command in various environments, such as i3wm.
Yep, this would be really good. Sometimes I'm watching a film, when a darker scene comes up. I can't make out what's going on so turn off redshift for the scene. Pausing the film, then using the mouse to activate the menu and click the button distracts from the plot/action/suspense somewhat.
A keyboard shortcut would be ideal in this situation.
Hello! Is there a way to know the current redshift status? I want to teach my WM to turn it off automatically when I use specific applications and turn it on back when I close/hide them.
$ redshift -V
redshift 1.12
$ cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid \n \l
Thank you in advance!
(pgrep redshift && pkill redshift ) || redshift &
. Just bind this to keys or create an alias.
Hello! Is there a way to know the current redshift status? I want to teach my WM to turn it off automatically when I use specific applications and turn it on back when I close/hide them.
I would also be interested in such a feature. I need a command-line tool to get the state of Redshift (if it's toggled on or off).
pkill -USR1 '^redshift$'
toggles redshift on and off. You should be able to set up xbindkeys to run that command when the key is pressed.
Works for me in Zorin 16.2 (debian based distro). Thank you very much!
pkill -USR1 '^redshift$'
Had no idea redshift process responded to signals. Didn't see that in redshift manpage. The pkill suggested above works great! I assigned the Pause key to it.
My Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro has a special key intended to toggle redshifting/reading mode on and off. Works out of the box on Windows, but not in Linux. Redshift should have an option to respond to this or another configurable key to toggle on/off. The key identifies as 0xbf/e03f.