jonluca / vite-typescript-ssr-react

🚀 A Vite Typescript SSR React boilerplate!
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Encountered “Minified React error” in the production environment #12

Closed Zasvieeel closed 2 years ago

Zasvieeel commented 2 years ago

Hello. I've hosting this app on vercel and got unexpected error in console

Are this refers to vite configuration or not?


Please help..

jonluca commented 2 years ago

That error is

There was an error hydrating the page - it means that the html that was shipped down the page was not SSRd.

This commit should fix it

But the relevant change is in entry-client.tsx

if ( || !container?.innerText) {
  const root = createRoot(container!);
  root.render(<FullApp />);
} else {
  hydrateRoot(container!, <FullApp />);