jonnerloller / kurobako

Small Game-Engine / Renderer Project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Features/memory #5

Closed jonnerloller closed 6 years ago

jonnerloller commented 6 years ago

Added a bunch of features.

  1. Memory Manager
  2. Basic Logger (right now it just rediverts it to std::ostream and then couts it, but we can change that later
  3. NonPersistantString. Basically a way to non-guiltily allocate strings during a frame. lifespan of the string should be < 1 frame. i.e should be only used as a method of passing arguments, or debug text. 4.MemoryStack 5.MemoryHeap 6.templated New,Delete,Allocate,DeAllocate. for normal things and arrays.
  4. Some basic memory stat stuff which i need to remind myself to use.
  5. Basic primitive tests case. Used for my Nonpersistantstring.

Note. Code is not anywhere near perfect. Would recommend leaving a review and accepting the request so that we can do a first merge, and you other features can start using this base, before improvements are made. Any important stuff can be turned into issues and assigned to me

jonnerloller commented 6 years ago

whoops. didn't "resolve some conflicts, but i gueses it didnt matter anyway"

jonnerloller commented 6 years ago

bump. Want to continue soon. Might also want to fool around with DX12. but high level before low level.

wagk commented 6 years ago

Currently VS2017 fails compilation with sizedtypes.h, something about undefined defines

jonnerloller commented 6 years ago

Done the necessary Solution configurations to make it compilable

jonnerloller commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the pull request.

Probably need to set up the Job Graph. So we can multithread unit tests. makes it test more things too. since we can test the scheduler as well as any multi thread dependant things like lists, or memory, or stuff

wagk commented 6 years ago

Keeping the branch (maybe rename it to feature/memory for consistency) so further work/refactoring on memory can operate there