jonniek / mpv-filenavigator

Navigate and open your local files in mpv
The Unlicense
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[Question]: compatibility with nextfile and / or autoload #9

Open waxfingers opened 5 years ago

waxfingers commented 5 years ago

Hi there. Is there a way to have both scripts (nextfile and navigator) loaded and that the playlist is respected, another way to put it, so that nexfile only kicks in after the playlist (whether if at first loaded file or last playlist file dir it seems less important right now). Also same question regarding autoload script

Dir A

Dir B

Desired behaviour: video 1 starts to play and v2 and v3 are loaded, if I do nothing, next file in the queue would be v2 and next v3. If through Navigator I create a playlist say v1, v4, v2 and v5, the order would be exactly that and at the completion videos 6 -> 9 would be enqueued

The way things are now, I have to disable the loading scripts if I want the playlist to be respected. Thank you

jonniek commented 5 years ago

This seems very complex. Did I understand it correctly that if you have no files open and you queue 1, 4, 2 and 5 with navigator you want autoload to load the remaining 6 -> 9 videos?

I didn't quite understand the part about nextfile though, you want it to skip the files in the playlist or go forward in playlist until at the end and then loadnext?

waxfingers commented 5 years ago

I now see it's autoload and file-navigator that do not play well along and by that I mean that the playlist generated it is not respected at all. I also use playlistmanager.lua to check/jump/alter current playlist and so initially I was lead to believe that nextfile was not doing its thing as the next file doesn't show up in the interface, but if I jump to next file, it goes normally to it, so it works but doesn't show

The nicest thing would be a one script merge of playlistmanager, nextfie and file-navigator - a dream

The second nicest thing would be for nexfile to "communicate" with playlistmanager so that that the files available are shown; I'd probably even ditch autoload then =)

Great scripts all the 3, super useful. Thanks

jonniek commented 5 years ago

Ok, so it seems it's out of my control since autoload sorts the playlist after you start playing any file.

I think some kind of combined script for would be good for this. Right now the playlistmanager is already filled with a lot of settings and conditional logic and adding checks from other scripts might introduce some unexpected bugs.

If you have any other usecase examples or suggestions how the combined script should work feel free to add them here.