jonniek / mpv-playlistmanager

Mpv lua script to create and manage playlists
The Unlicense
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Resuming playlist #62

Closed sebastian-65 closed 1 year ago

sebastian-65 commented 2 years ago

How can this scenario be achieved?

Thank you in advance.

jonniek commented 2 years ago

input.conf q quit-watch-later


mpv.conf save-position-on-quit

Second one has the benefit of working even if player is closed from gui/other than keybind.

Edit: oh I see you re-ordered playlist. For that you need to save a new playlist. I have considered some option to override existing playlists to improve this usecase.

sebastian-65 commented 2 years ago

Oddly, in mpv.conf save-position-on-quit didn't work for me for playlists (worked for single files), however save-position-on-quit=yes does seem to work for playlists too!

Thank you @jonniek for this wonderful playlist manager! I couldn't use MPV without it.

jonniek commented 2 years ago

save-position-on-quit didn't work for me for playlists (worked for single files), however save-position-on-quit=yes

Interesting, seems like this reddit thread agrees. Maybe I have some outdated version where both work consistently. Usually if yes is omitted it should work the same as if it's defined as yes.

sebastian-65 commented 2 years ago

Be aware, that guy posting this reddit thread is me as well :) It can be something wrong on my part, even though I don't know what.

FichteFoll commented 2 years ago

I haven't encountered problems with Q quit-watch-later outside of forgetting to close a playlist with that instead of q sometimes.

sebastian-65 commented 2 years ago

save-position-on-quit=yes doesn't seem to work for me anymore, it opens playlist from position remembered in some previous session. However I'm unable to figure out why it seemed worked before and what changed.

sebastian-65 commented 2 years ago

Interesting! It works only when jumping directly from one file to the next one using "Next button" (or with hotkey playlist-next). This way resuming playlist will work.

However, when I jump to another file through playlist menu and hitting enter, resuming playlist won't pick up the last file. Even though I used playlist-next since then!

jonniek commented 1 year ago

Renaming playlist is now possible with playlistmanager-save-interactive.lua so original usecase can be achieved.

If there is still some bug with save position let's open another issue with reproduction steps.

sebastian-65 commented 1 year ago

@jonniek I'm sorry for a dumb question, but how this script should be used? Is it gonna work right away when download to folder or something should be set up or be done? Thanks in advance!

Just few days ago, I wrote a python script as a workaround to save last played file to be opened again next time and it works fine but it's still a dirty hack that cannot be recommended to others.