jonorthwash / ud-annotatrix

GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 49 forks source link

Does not show trees #398

Open ftyers opened 4 years ago

ftyers commented 4 years ago

When using the online interface, trees do not appear.

Captura de 2020-04-25 17-06-06

keggsmurph21 commented 4 years ago

Hm, I can't reproduce this .. what operating system and Firefox version? Can you paste the contents of the Javascript console? Screenshot_2020-04-25_19-46-56

ftyers commented 4 years ago
# sent_id = Walk:5
# text = Ынӄо мытӈэйыттэнмык янот йиӈ ӈайгыточгыткок мытчаёмык ӈайгытоԓыӈкы.
# text[phon] = ənqo mətŋejəttenmək janot jiŋ ŋajɣətosɣətkok mətsajomək ŋajɣətoɬəŋkə
# text[rus] = Потом мы залезали на сопку, сначала по склону сопки поднимались, чай попили на склоне сопки.
# text[eng] = Then we climbed a hill, first we climbed the hill slope, then we drank tea on the hill slope.
# labels = complete-dep anno-fran
1   Ынӄо    ынӄо    ADV _   _   2   advmod  _   Gloss=потом
2   мытӈэйыттэнмык  _   VERB    _   Incorporated[obj]=Yes|Number[subj]=Plur|Person[subj]=1  0   root    _   Gloss=1PL.S/A-сопка-взбираться-1PL.S/O
2.1 ӈэ  ӈэг NOUN    _   _   _   _   2:obj   Gloss=сопка
3   янот    янот    ADV _   _   6   advmod  _   Gloss=сначала
4   йиӈ йиӈ X   _   _   5   reparandum  _   Gloss=FST
5   ӈайгыточгыткок  _   NOUN    _   Aspect=Iter|Case=Loc    6   obl _   Gloss=сопка-склон-ITER-LOC
6   мытчаёмык   чаёк    VERB    _   _   2   parataxis   _   Gloss=1PL.S/A-чай-EAT-1PL.S/O
7   ӈайгытоԓыӈкы    _   NOUN    _   Case=Loc    6   obl _   Gloss=сопка-склон-LOC
8   .   .   PUNCT   _   _   2   punct   _   _
$ firefox --version
Mozilla Firefox 74.0.1

On Debian.

keyup> 17 CTRL 
Set(3) [ 91, 229, 82 ]
keyup> 82 R 
Set [ 91, 229 ]
unreachable code after return statement
unreachable code after return statement
mode: online app.js:50:12
AJAX connect failed with response: 
Object { readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: getResponseHeader(key), getAllResponseHeaders: getAllResponseHeaders(), setRequestHeader: setRequestHeader(name, value), overrideMimeType: overrideMimeType(type), statusCode: statusCode(map), abort: abort(statusText), state: state(), always: always(), catch: catch(fn)
, … }
keyup> 17 CTRL 
Set []
Object { filename: null, meta: {…}, options: {…}, labeler: {…}, sentences: (1) […], index: 0 }
Object { filename: null, meta: {…}, options: {…}, labeler: {…}, sentences: (1) […], index: 0 }
Object { filename: null, meta: {…}, options: {…}, labeler: {…}, sentences: (1) […], index: 0 }
keyup> 17 CTRL 
Set [ 86 ]
keyup> 86 v 
Set []
Object { filename: null, meta: {…}, options: {…}, labeler: {…}, sentences: (1) […], index: 0 }
Object { filename: null, meta: {…}, options: {…}, labeler: {…}, sentences: (1) […], index: 0 }
Object { filename: null, meta: {…}, options: {…}, labeler: {…}, sentences: (1) […], index: 0 }
jonorthwash commented 4 years ago

Are those tabs or spaces?

keggsmurph21 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I can't reproduce this. Is it possible that the graph is just really far off-screen?

jonorthwash commented 4 years ago

@ftyers, are you still getting this behaviour? If so, could you share the contents of the textbox when it happens?