jonoxia / pencilbox

An open-source touchscreen-enabled HTML5 comic drawing app with a UI that doesn't suck
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Wanted: Login with BrowserId #46

Closed jonoxia closed 13 years ago

jonoxia commented 13 years ago

Use BrowserID for login:

(instead of the current "no login" option)

jonoxia commented 13 years ago

Mostly done in and

Couple minor things that still need doing:

verifyId() needs to move to a common python file; and need to use it to make sure you're who you say you are.

when verifyId() fails, it needs to kick you out back to index.html

need a logout link that deletes the cookie

index.html should maybe send you straight to if it sees you have a valid login cookie already

DrawingHistory entries should be keyed to artist ID, not name or email. That way we can let you change your name and/or your email without losing all your artwork.

Add UI to change name and/or email?

jonoxia commented 13 years ago

In and

verify_id() moved to common python file, used for save and load, kicks you out on failure, and there's a login link that deletes the cookie. Will start new bug for the other stuff.