jonra1993 / fastapi-alembic-sqlmodel-async

This is a project template which uses FastAPI, Pydantic 2.0, Alembic and async SQLModel as ORM. It shows a complete async CRUD using authentication and role base access control.
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How to enable delete on cascade for a many-to-one relationship? #69

Closed jymchng closed 1 year ago

jymchng commented 1 year ago

Hi @jonra1993

I have two tables, Project and Category. One row in Project can be linked to many rows in Category, i.e. one project can belong to many categories.

Project.categories: List[Category] and Category.project: Project.

Right now, this is my Category table:

class Category(BaseUUIDModel, CategoryBase, table=True):
    # pass
    project: Optional["Project"] = Relationship(back_populates="categories", sa_relationship_kwargs={
            "lazy": "selectin",
            "primaryjoin": "",
            'cascade': 'all, delete'})

And this is my Project table:

class Project(BaseIntModel, ProjectBase, table=True):  # PROJECT ID IS INT!!!
    categories: List[Category] = Relationship(
            "lazy": "selectin",
            'cascade': 'all,delete',
            "primaryjoin": "",

What sa_relationship_kwargs I need to change in order to have this effect that whenever I delete a record in Project, all rows in Category such that Category.project_id == are deleted?

jonra1993 commented 1 year ago

Hello @jymchng did you tried cascade: "all, delete-orphan" as here

Or try this

class Project(BaseIntModel, ProjectBase, table=True):
    categories: List[Category] = Relationship(
            "lazy": "selectin",
            'cascade': 'all,delete',
            "passive_deletes": True,  # Add this line to enable passive deletes
            "primaryjoin": "",

class Category(BaseUUIDModel, CategoryBase, table=True):
    project: Optional["Project"] = Relationship(
            "lazy": "selectin",
            "primaryjoin": "",
            "passive_deletes": True,  # Add this line to enable passive deletes