jonreid / ViewControllerPresentationSpy

Unit test presented and dismissed iOS view controllers, including alerts and action sheets
MIT License
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Cannot find 'XCT...' in scope #17

Open rgal75 opened 5 months ago

rgal75 commented 5 months ago

I added ViewControllerPresentationSpy as an SPM dependency.

When building the unit test target I am getting

Cannot find 'XCTFail' in scope

  • Macro 'XCTFail' unavailable: function like macros not supported

compile time errors in AlertVerifier, DismissalVerifier, e.t.c. wherever an XCT... function is used.

Could you, please help me understand what could cause there errors?

Thanks in advance.

PS.: I am using Nimble, as well. It uses the XCT... functions, too and I do not get these compile-time errors with it.

jonreid commented 1 week ago

Apologies, I didn't see your issue until just now.

Is it possible for you to share your code with me? Feel free to email me.

jonreid commented 1 week ago

You can also compare against the SwiftSamplePackage in this repo.