jonsamwell / angular-http-batcher

Enables HTTP batch request with AngularJS
MIT License
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added mustContain keyword array and allowRelativeURL property #8

Closed bahadirbb closed 9 years ago

bahadirbb commented 9 years ago

With urlMustContain property one can allow batching of some requests. which goes to a particular endpoint. allowRelativeURL property removes the need for absolute url match while searching for a config

jonsamwell commented 9 years ago

Could you explain the need for this a bit more and add some passing unit tests?

bahadirbb commented 9 years ago

sure, urlMustContain parameter is for filtering batch requests. For example my angularjs application tries to load templates dynamically as it is required. batcher tries to make a batch request for html files which are static. so server side cant find required controllers for these static files. by adding urlMustContain property, i am saying: only try to batch load requests which has at least one of these keywords in its url. by doing this i prevent trying to load static files by batch request. only batch load requests which contain "api" in its url.

this has some issues though. a static file may have "api" keyword in it's name. maybe we should change this to check start of url. like url should start with "/api" keyword.

i added allowRelativeURL property to support relative URL's as i inspected source code i saw that requests which dont have absolute url's aren't batched at all. because batchConfig was looking for an absolute url match to find necessary config file.

i may be wrong. i couldn't inspect source code completely. if i make sense to you i will add unit tests asap

jonsamwell commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to think of a more generic way of handling this. I don't really want to go down the route of adding magic properties to do things and having done this lots in the past and coming back to the code I always forget what those magic properties do. I think it might be better if I provide a function that the implementer can pass into the options to do their own inspection of the urls to determine if it can be batched. Something like a match function?

bahadirbb commented 9 years ago

yep you are right, i ll try to submit that match function. i dont have much time this week but i ll try to create some