jonschlinkert / grunt-readme

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reusable templates as a Node modules #42

Closed dylang closed 10 years ago

dylang commented 10 years ago

It should be easy to put my templates I want to share across projects into a separate Node module.

All assembly-specific templates would be in something called templates-assembly, my templates might be in a module called templates-dylang.

The files in /templates should be in separate modules as well. This way I can use them without worrying about the content changing next time I upgrade grunt-readme.

I think the way to use the templates would be configured would be something like this:

templates: [

Using _.include(fileName) would use the first match, starting with /templates.

jonschlinkert commented 10 years ago

yeah this is definitely something that needs to be here. I'll work on adding this

jonschlinkert commented 10 years ago

btw, there is already a mixin called _.resolve() that you can use to include templates from node_modules,, but it doesn't work as you described. and after reading through again I'm not sure I understand the last part. Where would the templates: [] array be, and how would that be used?

dylang commented 10 years ago

I looked at _.resolve() after I created this ticket. I looked to me like the node module's main must point to a single template, as opposed to the node module containing multiple template files.

Where would the templates: [] array be?

In the Gruntfile.js config block for readme.

and how would that be used?

templates: [

So using the example above, lets say templates-grunt-plugin includes '', '', ''.

In /templates/ we'll have something like:

{%= _.include('') %}

{%= _.include('') %}

{%= _.include('') %}

Simplified for purpose of example, there would obviously be more sections.

If has badges, it would use the same logic. templates-badges might have our default set, but templates-assembly might have variations or additions, and same thing in /templates which would take precedence.

jonschlinkert commented 10 years ago

great, thanks for the additional clarification! this helps

jonschlinkert commented 10 years ago

@dylang, I think you will like how I handle this in Verb.

Also, just wanted to mention that there are a couple of syntax changes (I'm documenting these changes, some of it is already mentioned in the Verb docs), Verb uses {%= include('options') %}, without the _. or the file extension.