jonschlinkert / parse-comments

Parse JavaScript code comments. Works with block and line comments, and should work with CSS, LESS, SASS, or any language with the same comment formats.
MIT License
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suggestion for `@option` and `@property` and indenting #8

Open tunnckoCore opened 8 years ago

tunnckoCore commented 8 years ago

consider following example

 * > Strip all code comments, but not these that are
 * marked as "ignored" like (`//!` and `/*!`).
 * Pass `opts.preserve: false` to remove even them.
 * **Example**
 * ```js
 * const fs = require('fs')
 * const strip = require('acorn-strip-comments')
 * const str = fs.readFileSync('./index.js', 'utf8')
 * const output = strip(str, {})
 * // => modified and cleaned string
 * ```
 * @name  acornStripComments
 * @param  {String} `<input>` string from which to get comments
 * @param  {Object} `opts` optional options, passed to `acorn-extract-comments` and `acorn`
 * @param {Boolean} `opts.ast` if `true` the ast is added to the resulting array
 * @param {Boolean} `opts.line` if `false` get only block comments, default `true`
 * @param {Boolean} `opts.block` if `false` get line comments, default `true`
 * @param {Function} `opts.ignore` check function, default check comment starts with `!`
 * @param {Boolean} `opts.preserve` if `true` keep comments that are ignored (that pass the `opts.ignore` check)
 * @param {Boolean} `opts.locations` if `true` result will include `acorn/esprima` format comment location object
 * @param {Number} `opts.ecmaVersion` defaults to `6`, acorn parsing version
 * @return {String} modified string
 * @api public
exports = module.exports = function stripAllComments (input, opts) {
  opts = extend({line: true, block: true, preserve: true}, opts)
  return acornStripComments(input, opts)

I think this should work as do it currently by using @option or @property, which btw both of them do some strange things with identation.

For example, doing it currently and correctly like that

 * > Strip all code comments, but not these that are
 * marked as "ignored" like (`//!` and `/*!`).
 * Pass `opts.preserve: false` to remove even them.
 * **Example**
 * ```js
 * const fs = require('fs')
 * const strip = require('acorn-strip-comments')
 * const str = fs.readFileSync('./index.js', 'utf8')
 * const output = strip(str, {})
 * // => modified and cleaned string
 * ```
 * @name  acornStripComments
 * @param  {String} `<input>` string from which to get comments
 * @param  {Object} `opts` optional options, passed to `acorn-extract-comments` and `acorn`
 *   @option {Boolean} [opts] `ast` if `true` the ast is added to the resulting array
 *   @option {Boolean} [opts] `line` if `false` get only block comments, default `true`
 *   @option {Boolean} [opts] `block` if `false` get line comments, default `true`
 *   @option {Function} [opts] `ignore` check function, default check comment starts with `!`
 *   @option {Boolean} [opts] `preserve` if `true` keep comments that are ignored (that pass the `opts.ignore` check)
 *   @option {Boolean} [opts] `locations` if `true` result will include `acorn/esprima` format comment location object
 *   @option {Number} [opts] `ecmaVersion` defaults to `6`, acorn parsing version
 * @return {String} modified string
 * @api public
exports = module.exports = function stripAllComments (input, opts) {
  opts = extend({line: true, block: true, preserve: true}, opts)
  return acornStripComments(input, opts)

adds options as sublist but with huge indent and adds one line more above the returns which is with same indent as options sublist

### [acornStripComments](index.js#L43)
> Strip all code comments, but not these that are marked as "ignored" like (`//!` and `/*!`). Pass `opts.preserve: false` to remove even them.


* `<input>` **{String}**: string from which to get comments    
* `opts` **{Object}**: optional options, passed to `acorn-extract-comments` and `acorn`  
        - `ast` **{Boolean}**: if `true` the ast is added to the resulting array
        - `line` **{Boolean}**: if `false` get only block comments, default `true`
        - `block` **{Boolean}**: if `false` get line comments, default `true`
        - `ignore` **{Function}**: check function, default check comment starts with `!`
        - `preserve` **{Boolean}**: if `true` keep comments that are ignored (that pass the `opts.ignore` check)
        - `locations` **{Boolean}**: if `true` result will include `acorn/esprima` format comment location object
        - `ecmaVersion` **{Number}**: defaults to `6`, acorn parsing version

* `returns` **{String}**: modified string