jonschlinkert / remarked

No longer maintained, see remarkable instead!
MIT License
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Made parser pluggable, related to #7 #10

Closed puzrin closed 9 years ago

puzrin commented 9 years ago

Now lexer instances can be configured, as discused in #7. That allows to add new rules, remove/replace existing ones and so on. This commit preserve compatibility with existing API.

Futher improvements require api change.

jonschlinkert commented 9 years ago

done, looks great! fwiw I'm completely open to API changes. IMO there is no advantage in trying to remain compatible with marked.js.

jonschlinkert commented 9 years ago

I added you as a collaborator. Also, please add your name or whoever you want to maintainers in package.json.

howardroark commented 9 years ago

I am happy to see some great cooperation going on here! I have been watching the marked project for a while and it does not seem to evolve well. I can see that the original creator does not "watch" the project, which could contribute to this problem. I'd say that right now it suffers from a general lack of leadership.

jonschlinkert commented 9 years ago

:+1: thanks @howardroark! great words of encouragement. The nerd in me is super excited about this too, I love doing this stuff lol

puzrin commented 9 years ago

BTW, @Kirill89 broken .setOption() call for singleton, will push fix with additional tests today or tomorrow. Now just pushed some more cleanup & benchmarks to control process better.