jonschlinkert / sublime-markdown-extended

Top 100 Sublime Text plugin! Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. YAML Front Matter. Works with ST2/ST3. Goes great with Assemble.
MIT License
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Unpaired Backticks (`) break syntax highlighting. #133

Closed bcj closed 7 years ago

bcj commented 8 years ago

Unpaired backticks (```) in a code block causes highlighting to break until an additional triple backtick is encountered.

This issue body will demonstrate the behavior when the raw text is copied into sublime.

Paired backticks:

> echo '`works`'

Unpaired backticks:

> echo '`'

This text is still being sh syntax highlighted. So is this python code:

> print('still sh')
still sh

To escape sh, an additional triple backtick is required:

_This_ text is markdown syntax highlighted.

> print('python syntax')
python syntax

Here is a copyable version of that body:

Paired backticks:

> echo '`works`'

Unpaired backticks:

> echo '`'

This text is still being sh syntax highlighted. So is this python code:

> print('still sh')
still sh

To escape sh, an additional triple backtick is required:

_This_ text is markdown syntax highlighted.

> print('python syntax')
python syntax
jonschlinkert commented 8 years ago

Is that related to this library or sublime text?

bcj commented 8 years ago

This is specific to this library. Sublime's built-in Markdown syntax highlighting will render this example correctly (albeit, without syntax highlighting for code blocks)

jonschlinkert commented 7 years ago

punting to