jonschlinkert / sublime-markdown-extended

Top 100 Sublime Text plugin! Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. YAML Front Matter. Works with ST2/ST3. Goes great with Assemble.
MIT License
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ST 3124: Error loading syntax, apparent recursion within a with_prototype action: 25000 context sanity limit hit #141

Closed simonhaenisch closed 6 years ago

simonhaenisch commented 7 years ago

With the latest ST release (3124), when I have the default markdown package disabled, I get an error message like in the title (also see the forum link below) and the syntax highlighting won't work.

Enabling the default markdown package fixed the problem. Is it intended to have them both enabled?

Maybe this info is related:

jessmartin commented 7 years ago

Enabling the default markdown package fixed the problem. Is it intended to have them both enabled?

That also fixed it for me - thanks for the fix!

simov commented 7 years ago

Enabling the default markdown package

Can you elaborate on this? I'm really not getting it. Which one is the default Markdown package and how can I enable it? I tried switching the file syntax from Markdown Extended to Markdown but it doesn't work.

rbnhmll commented 7 years ago

@simov In your preferences>settings file you can remove or comment out Markdown from your ignored_packages. At least a temporary fix.

        // "Markdown",
simov commented 7 years ago

Thanks @rbnhmll !

Actually adding Markdown to my ignored packages solved it for me :laughing:

I mean I have this .sublime-syntax manually placed in my packages folder, because I have some custom stuff there. I didn't installed it with package control.

simonhaenisch commented 7 years ago

Well that is kind of strange now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually there is only two places where with_prototype is used:

Both times latex_elements is included and latex_elements has include: latex_elements itself (L1263), so maybe this is where the recursion happens? I don't have any experience with syntax files :expressionless: @simov are your custom changes related to the latex part?

simov commented 7 years ago

So I'm back with the same error. It turns out that my .sublime-syntax is identical, it's just not installed through the package manager.

Ignoring the Markdown package actually removes Markdown from the list of available syntaxes.

jonschlinkert commented 7 years ago

something changed in sublime text (again) that is causing these issues. I would be very appreciative if anyone can shed any light on what's happening

niksy commented 7 years ago

Same error occurs for Bash (Shell) syntax.

simov commented 7 years ago

Adding ShellScript to the list of ignored packages solves it for me. Too bad I actually want my bash code blocks highlighted in my markdown files. The problem is in another syntax file and just because this syntax loads other syntaxes the error manifests here.

Can someone report the issue with sublime's default ShellScript package on their official forum or something? They just released a hotfix today (3126), but that doesn't seems to fix this issue.

jonschlinkert commented 7 years ago

@randy3k any thoughts on this? The latex code appears to be causing the issue. When I remove latext support, the errors go away. I wanted to get your thoughts first and see if you had a fix before I just remove latex support.

randy3k commented 7 years ago

The latex syntax was updated in the recent versions of ST.please remove the latex section for now. I will fix it asap

jonschlinkert commented 7 years ago

please remove the latex section for now.

I'll try to do it this evening, if someone wants to do a pr before then that would be great

lwolfsonkin commented 7 years ago

Just pinging this issue. I was wondering if there are any updates to getting LaTex support both for math and arbitrary LaTex back in this package.

hws-sp commented 7 years ago

Problems with CFML package => I had to remove CSS3 and HTML5 from package list

tegendraads commented 7 years ago

@hws-sp Thanks! That solved my problem with the same errror occurring for the CML package. Removed CSS3 and HTML5.

tuayo77 commented 6 years ago

remove html and css it work for me

skwidz commented 6 years ago

removing css3 worked for me. thanks @hws-sp

developer669 commented 6 years ago

Yep! Just remove css3 package. works for me ! Thanks!

indrayam commented 6 years ago

My setup: MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 Sublime Text Dev Channel Build 3157

I had set MarkdownExtended as my default Syntax type for .md files. Every time I opened a Markdown file, I would get this error:

Error loading syntax file "Packages/Markdown Extended/Syntaxes/MarkdownExtended.sublime-syntax": Apparent recursion within a with_prototype action: 25000 context sanity limit hit

I decided to take the advice shared above. Uninstalled the CSS3 package and the error went away!

Thanks again

bcomnes commented 6 years ago

Disabled CSS3 made the error go away for me. Man, what a mess sublime text plugins have become.

ruborg commented 5 years ago

Same issue, removing package JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax fixed it

Nemesis19 commented 5 years ago

JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax was my issue too

mishell-trickster commented 5 years ago

@ruborg What if I need this package? This error happens with JavaScriptNext for me, and I cant understand why. Previously, everything worked fine with JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax

FrancisBou commented 5 years ago

@mishell-trickster Updating Sublime Text to the latest version solved this problem for me.

pup500 commented 5 years ago

As others have noticed, this error will appear when a different plugin has a problem. My problem was also with the JavaScriptNext plugin.

rezn8d commented 5 years ago

ditto: JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax removed and all clear.

Akamaozu commented 5 years ago

+1 JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax as source of issues.

Removed package and everything is right again.

sergeifilippov commented 5 years ago

+1 JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax as source of issues.

Removed package and everything is right again.

blake-regalia commented 5 years ago

For those having issues w/ JavaScriptNext, might be worth switching to the much cleaner Ecmascript package: bathos/Ecmascript-Sublime.

maparent commented 5 years ago

Ecmascript-Sublime is also mentioning that error fyi. There is an interesting analysis of the recursion issue in

Incidentally, it has no support for flow, for those of us who need that. I just discovered that who does that well, though I still run into the recursion error.

armlesshobo commented 5 years ago

Adding Java and Java Server Pages to the list

hashimaziz1 commented 5 years ago

Can confirm that disabling the CSS3 package solved this error appearing when using the Markdown or MultiMarkdown syntax, but it's ridiculous that this needs to be done at all, and that this hasn't been properly fixed after 2 years. It indicates something I've suspected for a while; that the state of ST3 development is a mess, and I'm seriously considering dropping it for something like VSCode or Atom.

armlesshobo commented 5 years ago

Removing "Naomi" fixed Groovy & Java syntax highlighting for me.

ErAz7 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @armlesshobo disabled Naomi and now it's working