jonschlinkert / sublime-markdown-extended

Top 100 Sublime Text plugin! Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. YAML Front Matter. Works with ST2/ST3. Goes great with Assemble.
MIT License
660 stars 96 forks source link

Atom Theme #155

Open tunnckoCore opened 7 years ago

tunnckoCore commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking to move to Atom and I'm interested in using Monokai Extended and more specifically Markdown Extended. It's absolutely awful that there's no meaningful syntax themes for Atom -- not so much as Sublime's Material Theme + Syntax Specific Markdown Extended -- absolutely great combo!

More and more I'm considering to stay to Sublime, because of a few reasons


In some moments I can't believe that there are themes with 5 different colors for methods/functions. It's absolutely no sense. Once upon a time didn't believe that syntax highlighting is so important, but yea ... I'm with these themes for year and so.. and yea I can't switch them, haha.

No correct syntax highlighting and productivity drops with 1000%.

But anyway.. When you have time to invest it would be cool to port them. I already tried with something called Atomizer but it fails with some shit error. Also tried with Atom's apm --convert, but seems to not works (seems it converts them but everything is white and there's no other colors) or I'm not doing it okey.

jonschlinkert commented 7 years ago

This sounds like me, I go back and forth on this all the time. I start using atom for a few hours, then get frustrated because it doesn't do things i need and use all the time.

Honestly I've been frustrated with ST lately too though. To be clear, I'm grateful and happy that the ST dev team has put so much work into ST to make it better, but there have been so many breaking changes in ST that have resulted in issues in sublime-markdown-extended and sublime-monokai-extended that I can't keep up with them.

That said, I already created a theme for atom that matches this one :) but as I recall there were some rough edges that needed to be smoothed out, and I don't use atom ATM. I can try to push it up anyway, but someone already took the name unfortunately (which would have been fine, but they didn't actually stay true to the theme).

tunnckoCore commented 7 years ago

This sounds like me, I go back and forth on this all the time. I start using atom for a few hours, then get frustrated because it doesn't do things i need and use all the time.

Yea, absolutely, same here.

That said, I already created a theme for atom that matches this one :) but as I recall there were some rough edges that needed to be smoothed out

Great to hear, it would be cool if you can publish it or at least push it to github without publishing it. So i can try it, ping me when you are okey :)