jonschlinkert / sublime-markdown-extended

Top 100 Sublime Text plugin! Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. YAML Front Matter. Works with ST2/ST3. Goes great with Assemble.
MIT License
660 stars 96 forks source link

Breaks spell check in YAML front matter #166

Open iondune opened 7 years ago

iondune commented 7 years ago

When I switch to Markdown Extended syntax, spell check seems to miss the first letter of each word in the YAML front matter. See the attached image, where each word is marked as incorrectly spelled and the first letter of each word is not correctly spelled. If I duplicate the first letter, the word is considered correct.


jonschlinkert commented 7 years ago

hmm, does spell check work properly in YAML in general?

iondune commented 7 years ago

If I open a separate .yml file, using the built-in YAML syntax or forcing Markdown Extended syntax, spell check works as intended.

randy3k commented 6 years ago

This is a bug of the yaml syntax.

Though you said that the spell checker works as intended for the yaml syntax. However, it is because spell checking is not applied to source file in default. If you create a new yaml file and set

view.settings().set("spelling_selector", "source.yaml")

The same highlight will be shown.

merkmat commented 5 years ago

I'm still experiencing this issue, is there a workaround?