jonshipman / sveltekit-pb-boilerplate

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Windows Unzipping #2

Closed stefandanzl closed 6 months ago

stefandanzl commented 6 months ago

Error message:


TAR: This does not look like a tar archive
TAR: Skipping to next header
TAR: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
  return await PromisePrototypeThen(

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink 'C:\[FOLDERS]\[PROJECTNAME]\db\'
    at async Object.unlink (node:internal/fs/promises:1059:10)
    at async file:///C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/npm-cache/_npx/f4833f11856e88cf/node_modules/svelte-pb/setup.mjs:56:2 {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'unlink',
  path: 'C:\\[FOLDERS]\\[PROJECTNAME]\\db\\'

Systeminfo: Win10, using powershell console in VSCode Error also occurs when using WSL console (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

Possible solution

Should be solved with OS detection and using in windows:

unizip -C C:\[FOLDERS]\[PROJECTNAME]\db\ 
stefandanzl commented 6 months ago

It seems you already do differentiate:

if (os.platform() == 'win32') {
    await run('TAR.EXE', ['-xf', pbzippath, '-C', path.join(resolved, 'db') + path.sep]);
} else {
    await run('unzip', [pbzippath, '-d', path.join(resolved, 'db') + path.sep]);
stefandanzl commented 6 months ago

There seems to be contradictory information on whether TAR.EXE can be used for .zip files or not In my case it clearly can not be used

jonshipman commented 6 months ago

Yes, I am using Windows 11. I'll see about getting Windows 10 and finding a solution there.

WSL should be seeing it as a nix based os and should be using unzip. I'll see if that's a different issue.

jonshipman commented 6 months ago

Looks like Windows 10 build 17063 or later comes with tar.exe. I'll look into other solutions, but at the very least I may include that disclaimer in the README.

jonshipman commented 6 months ago

Try out this branch and let me know if it works, haven't used extract-zip before but it seems to work all the same in my tests.

stefandanzl commented 6 months ago

Your fix was not very straightforward on my system and it's really sad how bad Windows' built in tools are but here is the best solution I came up with that should be reliable no matter which console is used on Windows:

powershell -command "Expand-Archive -Force '' '%~dp0'"

So in our case something like:

await run('Expand-Archive', [`-Force '${pbzippath}' -DestinationPath '${path.join(resolved, 'db')}'`])

with following modification further down:

        if (os.platform() === 'win32') {
            if (command === 'Expand-Archive'){
                options.execPath = 'powershell.EXE';
                options.execArgv = ['-Command'];
            } else {
                options.execPath = 'CMD.EXE';
                options.execArgv = ['/C'];

full code: setup.txt

jonshipman commented 6 months ago

Did the branch not work for you? You would need to run npm install as it introduces a dependency.

stefandanzl commented 6 months ago

Yes when cloning the entire issue-2 branch repository it works but how will this behave with npx? Will it create a node_modules in the current directory before creating the project folder and those "installation files" remain afterwards (cluttering the system)?

Also using a different Windows 10 Computer, TAR.EXE in the main branch was now able to extract - very inconsistent behaviour indeed ...

Are you opposed to the powershell solution?

jonshipman commented 6 months ago

npx takes care of it. npx installs the module as a global package. Anything that you install with npx remains in the global installation directory after installation. npx just runs the bin package prop after installation (I do need to add a check for if the dir is empty).

Run npm link inside issue-2 as a branch and npx svelte-pb your-project will use the local folder as the source for npx. That's the procedure for testing executable node libraries.

I have nothing against powershell in general. I would probably move it up to the actual run command(so run('powershell.exe',['-Command'....) as out of scope conditionals are bad practice. Admittingly the library is small, but I do like to use this function in other projects as it lets me have TTY to respond to prompts. On windows, npm by default uses cmd.exe. I do tend to add an npm.ps1 in the folder, but some processes actually run npm.cmd on windows.

Introducing dependencies does tend to be the "node way" but I'll think on it. I do like that no dependencies are introduced on your version.

jonshipman commented 6 months ago

I may use Looks like extract-zip is just a wrapper around yauzl that provides things like builtin tree building. Since doesn't use directories, it may be leaner to just use that lib.

Also, wanted to mention that yauzl is a native node unzipping utility. So theoretically it should work in environments where "unzip" isn't available on linux. Not installed by default on a lot of server environments.

stefandanzl commented 6 months ago

According to my own testing, run('powershell.exe',['-Command'.... will not work - it will not fail, but simply not extract anything. Possibly because it's from starting a console from a console from a console 😅

The thought about unzip not being present on server systems is a good thought though ...